Sume unðeáwas cumað of óðrum suá ilce suá hié cómon ǽr of óðrum
quaedam vitia sicut ex semetipsis gignunt alia, ita ex aliis oriuntur,
- Past. 306, 19.
- Þá yfelan hyne geseóð swá ylce swá þá gódan. Solil. H. 67, 16.
Weaxe sió bót. . . swá ilce swá sió manbót déð,
- Ll. Th. i. 150, 15.
Swá ilce (same,
v. l.
) swá, 17 : 19. -
And swá ylce be þǽre óðerre sunnan,
- 45, 13.
Bosworth, Joseph. “ilce.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014.
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