Bosworth Toller's


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an entry, a place or
way by which one enters, a vestibule
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  • Hé hý lǽdde intó þám infærlde þǽre cytan, and hé sylf into þǽre inran eóde and ðá duru him tó beclýsde,

      Hml. A. 196, 30.
  • Deáð wið infereld gelustfullunc[ge] is

    mors secus introitum delectationis est,

      R. Ben. I. 30, 13.
  • Godcundre lage infæreldu eádmódum geopeniað

    diuine legis penetralia humilibus patent,

      Scint. 221, 5.
  • Foredura, infærelda

    uestibula, i. introitum (alvearii ),

      An. Ox. 135.
  • Infærelda

    uestibula (coelestis regni ),

right or
permission to enter
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  • Ne sí him éðelic forgifen infæreld

    non ei facilis tribuatur ingressus,

      R. Ben. I. 95, 12.
  • Sí forgifen infæreld

    annuatur ingressus,

Full form


  • in-færeld,