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  • Seó lǽs is tóforan eallum mannum gemǽne on ðám hǽðfelda

    the pasture on the heathfield lies open to admit all men

      C. D. iii. 419, 21.
  • Án lǽs on waruðe,

      429, 16.
  • Sceáp lǽsuwe (léswe, Ps. Srt.) his

    oues pascuae eius

      Ps. L. 99, 3.
  • On stówe lǽswen (lǽswe?, lǽswena?; léswe, Ps. Srt.)

    in loco pascuae

      22, 2.
  • Hý létan him tó . . . þá mǽde . . . and twégra getýmena lǽse, and týn cúna forð mid þas hláfordes and his sceápa lǽse æfter þæs hláfordes,

      C. D. B. i. 544, 3.
  • Þone þe ðis land gelytlede on lǽsu[m ?] oððe on gemǽru[m ?] qui istam terram diminuerit in pascuis siue metis, C. D. v. 253, 36. ¶ beólǽs

    pasture where there were many flowers for bees ?

      Cf. Beó-leáh, C. D. iii. 75, 37 :-- On beólése . . . út þurh beóleáse, C. D. B. iii. 249,31.
[v. N. E. D. lease, leasow.]
Similar entries
v. fearn-, feld- (C. D. iv. 96, 2 : vi. 39, 9), mór-lǽs, út-lǽs, wudu-lǽs.
Full form


  • lǽs,