Bosworth Toller's


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Wright's OE grammar
the authority or
office of a teacher
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  • Láreówdóm discipulatus (cf. discipulare


    , Migne),
      Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 10.
  • Hwylc sprǽc þæs godcundan láreóudómes

    quis sermo divine auctoritatis

      R. Ben. 133, 2.
  • Ongunnon hí him tó befæstenne heora cild tó Godes láreówdómes (

    coepere suos ei filios omnipotenti Deo nutriendos dare

      Gr. D. l. 2, c. 3), Hml. Th. ii. 160, 2.
  • Sume þá apostolas þe síþodon mid Críste on his láreówdóme (

    as his disciples

      Hml. A. 14, 33.
  • Sume men wyllað betǽcan heora láðostan cild tó Godes láreówdóme,

      35, 265.
  • Láreówdó[mum]


      An. Ox, 4547.
the action of a teacher, instruction, guidance; applied to a thing
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  • Hit (

    a mechanical contrivance

    ) gewissað ús þurh wísne láreówdóm,
      Hml. S. 5, 269.
what is taught by a teacher, a study
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  • Bóclicum láreówdómum

    liberalibus studiis

      An. Ox. 3100.
Full form


  • láreów-dóm,