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nacod, <b>. I a.</b>
Wright's OE grammar
§57; §153; §221; §249; §285; §299; §310; §430; §639;
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  • Swá þám men þe wurde fǽringa nacod beforan eallon folce, and hé nyste þonne mid hwám hé þone sceamiendan líchaman bewruge,

      Wlfst. 238, 14: Mart. H. 18, 20.
  • Þá hét hé hí nacode

    (propriis exutam vestibus Ald. 60, 17) lǽdan tó sumum scandhúse, Shrn. 56, 8. I a a. destitute of clothing

    (implying poverty and wretchedness) :-- Hym cóm ongeán án þearfende man nacod on cealdum wyntra,
      Shrn. 146, 35.
  • Ðá næfde Martinus nán ðing tó syllenne þám nacodan ðearfan,

      Hml. Th. ii. 500, 22.
  • Þone nacodan gefréfrian, 25.
  • Gemétte hé ǽnne þearfan nacodne, Hml. S. 31, 61. I b.

    add :-- Se nacoda assa bið mid reáfum gesadelod, Hml. Th. i. 210, 29. I c. add :-- Hí sceoldon underhnígan nacodum swurde (nacedum swyrdum, v. l.), Hml. S. 5, 28. I d. of a surface, bare, without a covering :-- Wæs his seó æþeleste ræst on his hǽran (earan, MS., but cf. on flóre licgende, on stíðre hǽran, Hml. Th. ii. 516, 31 : both passages refer to St. Martin) oþþe elles on nacodre eorðan, Bl. H. 227,11. II b. add :-- Nú miht þú wel witan þæt weorc sprecan swíðor þonne þá nacodon word þe nabbað náne fremminge, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 24. II c. of a narrative, bare, without amplification or comment

    :-- Seó bóc is swíþe deóp gástlíce tó understandenne, and wé ne wrítaþ ná máre búton þá nacedan gerecednisse; þonne þincþ þám ungelǽredum ꝥ eall ꝥ andgit beó belocen on þǽre ánfealdan gerecednisse,
      Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 2, 30.
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  • nacod,