Smeágað sume men hwæt se pening (pænig, penig,
v. ll.)
getácnige,- Hml, A. 44, 505.
Hig of þám Iúdéum for ánum penige .xxx. gesealdon ongeán þæt þæt þá Iúdéas ǽr úrne Hǽlend . . . myd þryttegum penegum gebohton,
- 187, 168-170.
Wiþ þrím hundred penegon (peninga,
- R., penninga ł scillinga, L.), Jn. 12, 5.
Twégen penegas (peñd. , L.), Lk. 10, 35. (1 a) in pl., money :-- Ne wéne hé nó ðæt Godes ryhtwísnes sié tó ceápe, swelce hé hié mæge mid his peningum (-engum, v. l.) gebygcgean . . . ðá hwíle ðe hié peningas (-engas) hæbben mid tó gieldanne
ne venalem Dei justitiam aestiment. . . cum curant. . . nummos tribuere,
- Past. 327, 16-18.
Ðá ilca peningas (penicas altered from pendicas, L.) ðá ðe gisended wére
ea quae mittebantur,
- Jn. R. 12, 6.
Se feórðandǽl byð
gecíged, beó hit penig oððe pund, swá þ wel wát ceorlisc folc . . .xx scillingas beóð on ánum pund, and twelf síðon twéntig penega byð án pund,- Angl. viii. 306, 30-36.
Ne þearf ic N. sceatt ne scilling, ne pænig ne pæniges weord,
- Ll. Th. i. 182, 10.
Þæt mon ne sparige nǽnne þeóf þe æt hæbbendre handa gefangen sý ofer eahta peningas (penegas,
v. l.
),- 198, 18.
Ofer .xii. pæningas,
- 228, 12. ¶
Gafolhwítel sceal beón .vi. pæninga (penega; -inga,
v. ll.
) weorð,- 130, 5.
Oxan horn bið .x. pæninga weorð, Cun horn bið twégea pæninga. Oxan tægl bið sciłł. weorð. Cuus bið fífa penega. Oxan eáge bið fíf p. weorð. Cús bið sciłł. weorð,
- 138, 21-140, 4.
Be .xxx. pæñ. oþþe be ánum hrýðere,
- 232, 7.
Hors mon sceal gyldan mid .xxx. sciłł., myran mid .xx. sciłł. . . . oxan mid .xxx. p̃., cú mid .xxiiii. p̃. , swýn mid . viii. p̃., man mid punde, sceáp mid sciłł. , gát mid . ii. p̃.,
- 356, 2-6.
Gif mon óðres wudu bærneð oþþe heáweð unáliéfedne, forgielde ǽlc greát treów mid .v. sciłł., and siþþan ǽghwylc mid .v. pæningum,
- 70, 6.
Sceáp sceal gongan mid his fliése oð midne sumor, oþþe gilde ꝥ fliése mid twám pæningum,
- 146, 11.
Bosworth, Joseph. “pening.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014.
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