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Wright's OE grammar
§109; §291;
Show examples
  • .X. pund caeses,

      C. D. i. 293, 10.
  • Se sester sceal wegan twá pund be sylfyrgewyht, Lch. iii. 92, 14. II a.


    :-- Man geald ǽrest gafol Deniscan mannum . . . ꝥ wæs .x. þúsend punda,
      Chr. 991; P. 127, 5.
  • Twá and twéntig þúsend punda goldes and seolfres mon gesealde þám here of Ænglalande wið friðe,

      Ll. Th. i. 288, 11, Mid .v. pundum mǽrra pæninga, 62, 9.
  • Hí geféngon Cameleac biscop and áliésde Eádweard cyning hine eft mid .xl. pundum, Chr. 918; P. 98, 15. II b. add :-- Drihten pundu


      Scint. 132, 7.
  • Sum hafenleás man sceolde ágyldan healf pund (cf. Gr. D. 157, 33, which makes the debt twelve shillings

    (duodecim solidi

    )) . . . wearð gemét þæt feoh and twéntig penega tó eácan (cf.
      Gr. D. 158, 15,
    which makes the amount found thirteen shillings), Hml. Th. ii. 176, 34-178, 7.
Full form


  • pund,