Hlyste hé gódes rǽdes, ná of mínum múðe, ac of Crístes sylfes,
- Hml. Th. i. 54, 16.
þæt is rǽdgeðeht . . . Sé hæfð gódne rǽd þurh Godes gyfe þe him gerǽdað ǽfre hwæt him tó dónne sý and hwæt tó forlǽtenne,- Wlfst. 51, 19.
Dóme, rǽde
(inuestigabile) decretum,
- An. Ox. 2676.
Swicfullum rǽde
fraudulento consilio,
4836. -
Hé lét him tó rǽde
he adopted as his plan,
- Hml. S. 23, 319.
Gódo dóað woegas iúero and raedo (studia, printed stadia, but see Jer. 7, 3) iúro, Rtl. 36, 21. III a. with negative, (no) plan to help oneself :-- Mín heorte and mín mód mé for-léton, tó þám þæt ic mé nyste nǽnne rǽd
cor meum dereliquit me,
- Ps. Th. 39, 14.
Hé cwæð ꝥ sume dæge wǽre mid gafoles neóde genéded sum getreówe wer, and him nyste nǽnne rǽd,
- Gr. D. 157, 23.
Ne canst þú þé nǽnne rǽd,
- Hml. S. 35, 34.
Ic gelýfe ꝥ hit sý rǽd
(operae pretium credo)
ꝥ ic ásægce ðá sprǽce,- Gr. D. 305, 17.
Þá geþúhte ꝥ rǽd mínes sweores fæder ꝥ hé férde
visum est patri soceri mei pergere,
- 306, 1: Chr. 995; P. 130, 17.
Ealle ðá ðing ðe hláforde magan tó rǽde,
- Angl. ix. 259, 19.
- Scint. 100, 14.
senatu, An. Ox. 4041. V a. the act of taking counsel together :-- Geþafa ꝥ mín módor mé gespræcan, and sume þreó niht on mínum rǽde beón (may be in consultation with me ),
- Hml. S. 4, 324.
Wæs Acitofel mid Absalone on rǽde,
- 19, 201.
Þá nigon werod bugon tó heora Scyppende, and betǽhton heora rǽd tó his willan,
- Hml. Th. i. 12, 7.
Bosworth, Joseph. “rǽd.” In An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online, edited by Thomas Northcote Toller, Christ Sean, and Ondřej Tichy. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2014. https://bosworthtoller.com/57051.
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