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Wright's OE grammar
§86; §231; §426;
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  • þǽr næs riht on þǽre stówe ǽnigne tó ácwellanne for þǽre stówe weorþunge

    in illo loco neminem fas erat interfici,

      Nar. 30, 1.
  • Béte hé þone borgbryce swá him ryht wísie, and þone wedbryce swá him his scrift scrífe,

      Ll. Th. i. 60, 20.
  • Be ryhtes béne. Gif hwá him ryhtes bidde beforan hwelcum scírmen oþþe óðrum déman,

      106, 19-21.
  • Búton hé æt hám rihtes wyrðe beón ne móte, oþþe riht ábiddan ne mæge,

      266, 10.
  • In rihte beborene


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 16.
  • Sé ꝥ gebéte his dryhtne .c. sciłł. an eald reht,

      Ll. Th. 38, 6.
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  • Méda beeástan ee swé ðér mid riahte tó ðém lande limpað, C. D. ii. 75, 20. III a.


    :-- Gif ꝥ riht tó hefig sý, séce þá líhtinge tó þám cynge,
      Ll. Th. i. 266, 11.
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  • Nathan lícette swelce hé ymb sumes ðearfan ryht sprǽce, and sóhte ðæs cyninges dóm,

      Past. 185, 19.
  • Ágife se wer his wífe hire ryht on hira gesinscipe uxori vir debitum reddat, 397, 24. IV a.

    what is proper

    for a thing with regard to use or appreciation :-- Hwílum alwan æfter hire rihte him mon scæl sellan,
      Lch. ii. 280, 20.
  • Þá deádlican þing ðe gesceádwísnesse hæfþ mid nánum ryhte magon geearnigan ꝥ gé heora wundrigen,

      Bt. 13; F. 40, 8.
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  • 'Ǽlces unnyttes wordes . . . hié sculon ryht áwyrcean (reddent raiionem)'. . . Gif wé sculon rynt ágildan

    (si ratio exigitur)

    unnyttra worda,
      P. 281, 9-14. v.
    ælmes-, bóc-, burh-, cyne-, eorl-, fær-, freó-, geneát-, lah-, swán (not swǽn-), þegen-, þrǽl-riht.
Full form


  • ríht,