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scyldig, <b>I a.</b>
Wright's OE grammar
§112; §312; §630;
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  • Hé sorgode hú mycel se scyldiga þæs weorces forlure innan his sáwle

    pensabat culpae reus quantum perdebat intus,

      Gr. D. 291, 11.
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  • Beó hé útlah wið God . . . and wið þone cyning scyldig ealles þæs þe hé áge (cf. Wlfst. 271, 26),

      Cht. E. 231, 16.
2. Add
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  • Sió hé healsfange scyldig,

      Ll. Th. i. 40, 2, 5.
3. with prep.
liable to (tó)
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  • Scyldig hé wæs tó hellicere súsle for his mándǽdum, ac hé geandette his synna Drihtne sylfum on ðǽre ródehengene,

      Hml. Th. ii. 78, 20.
  • Hí ealle andwyrdon þæt hé scyldig wǽre tó deáðe,

      248, 23.
  • v. deáþ-, efen-, healf-, syn-, wamb-scyldig.
Full form


  • scyldig,