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winnan, <b>. A. I b.</b>
Wright's OE grammar
§259; §498;
add: to be ill
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  • Hé winneð, and eft in þǽre untrumnise se mon swelteð, Archiv cxxix. 34, 25.
  • Hé winneð (hine ádl gestandeð, v.l. ), 30. I c. :-- Mé sǽdon his geongran ꝥ sum wer wunne on þǽre hefigestan hatunge his gesacan

    quidam vir gravissima adversarii sui aemulatione laborabat,

      Gr. D. 158, 25.
  • Ná má heó ne byþ winnende on feferádlum,

      29, 25.
where the subject of the verb is a word denoting strife,
to be carried on
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  • Mé lysteþ ásmeágean hwilc and hú micel wǽre ꝥ gecamp þe wann on þæs mannes breóstum

    considerare libet quale quantumque in ejus pectore certamen fuerit.

      Gr. D. 18, 4.
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  • winnan,