To flee away
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To flee away Hé foreflǽh from ðǽm profugit ab eis, Mk. L. 14, 52
Linked entry: fleón
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Preparation Foregeorwunge (-gearuung, L.) parasceue, Lk. R. 23, 54. Metes foregearuung praeparatio cibi, Jn. L. 19, 14. Foregearuung praeparatione, Mk. p. 5, 10
to destine
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to destine Tó foregetihtgedre (-tihgedre? -stihtedre?) stówe ad destinatum locum, Hpt. Gl. 405, 77
A fore-oath ⬩ an oath first taken ⬩ antejūrāmentum ⬩ præjūrāmentum ⬩ præjūrātio
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Ges. der Angelsachsen, foráþ
Linked entry: fór-áþ
to take away ⬩ to seize ⬩ to anticipate
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For 'I. to be deprived of . . . MS.
a proviso ⬩ agreement ⬩ condition
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What is said before, a proviso, agreement, condition Forewyrde antefata (cf. wǽr*-*word), Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 28. Þá Pyhtas heom ábǽdon wíf æt Scottum on þá gerád (ꝥ forewyrd, v. l.) ꝥ hí gecuron heora kynecinn on þá wífhealfa, Chr. P. 3, 16. Hér swutelað
FOREWARD ⬩ precaution ⬩ contract ⬩ agreement ⬩ compact ⬩ treaty ⬩ provision ⬩ præcautio ⬩ pactum ⬩ fœdus
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FOREWARD, precaution, contract, agreement, compact, treaty, provision; præcautio, pactum, fœdus Wurdon ða fórewearda full worhte the contracts were completed. Chr. 1109; Erl. 242, 22. To ðán ylcan fóreweardum [MS. foreweardan] with the same provisions
A fore-cutter ⬩ front tooth ⬩ præcīsor
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A fore-cutter, front tooth; præcīsor, Wrt. Voc. 282, 73
FORE-SPOKEN ⬩ aforesaid ⬩ fore-mentioned ⬩ præfātus ⬩ prædictus
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FORE-SPOKEN, aforesaid, fore-mentioned; præfātus, prædictus Se fóresprecena here the fore-mentioned army, Chr. 896; Erl. 93, 34. Se fóresprecena Godes man præfātus clērĭcus, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 5.
Linked entries: fóre-specen fór-sprecen
a seizing or rescuing of stolen or lost property ⬩ apprehensio ⬩ the reward for rescuing such property ⬩ merces, quæ bŏnōrum surreptōrum restĭtūtōri dătur
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, then the reward for rescuing may be less, Th. i. 224, 24-226, 5
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Above-written Seó forewritene endebyrdnes suprascriptus ordo, Angl. xiii. 402, 540. ¶ the word also glosses praescriptus: Mid forewritenum collectum cum prescriptis collectis, 391, 372: 384, 276: 444, 1129. Substitute:
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The early part of the day Ǽlc man sylð on forandæge his góde wín (omnis homo primum bonum uinum ponit, Jn. 2, 10), Hml. Th. ii. 70, 26: Nap. 23. Substitute:
To foreordain ⬩ destine
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To foreordain, destine Destinatus, ordinatus, deputatus, i. missus vel foreteohhad, Wrt. Voc. ii. 139, 9
Linked entry: teohhian
a prediction
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Substitute: a prediction Wæs his sóð syn wítnad æfter forecwide (juxta praedictum) ðæs Godes weres, Bd. 3, 22; Sch. 296, 11. Forecwida ðæs wítges praedicta Ezechielis, Mt. p. 9, 9. heading of a chapter Forecwide capitulum, Mt. p. 4, 1. Forecuido capitulae
forfeited ⬩ Seized
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forfeited, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 62, note 9; Seized, Cd. 205; Th. 254, 19; Dan. 614;
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prævĕniet, Ps. Spl. 58, 10: 67, 34
Foretelling ⬩ prophesying
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Foretelling, prophesying Forewítegung praesagium, An. Ox. 2563. Forewítegunge praesagio, 949. Dionisius hine gefréfrode mid forewítegunge, and sǽde ꝥ hé wiste þurh God ꝥ Ióhannes sceolde síþian of þám íglande, Hml. S. 29, 97: Angl. iii. 110, 104, 115
Linked entry: wítegung
A forerunner
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A forerunner Foreiernend antecessor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 1, 18
Linked entry: irnend
A forerunner ⬩ precursor
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A forerunner, precursor Foreiornere precursor, Rtl. 56, 3, 20. Foreirnerum feletei, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 52. Féþemen, féþehere felethi, foreirnerum felethei, 33, 46
Linked entry: irnere
a promontory
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a promontory Foremunte promontorio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 65. Substitute: