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For Cot. 93 substitute Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 72


cóf-godas, l. cof-godas (v. cofa),
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and for second reference substitute Cofgodas penatum, Germ. 402, 195


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squeamishness Ciisniss fastidium, Txts. 62, 406. Císnes fastidium, nausia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 47. Wé gelýfað þæt genóh sý twá gesodene sufel for missenlicra manna untrumnesse; gif hwá for hwylcre císnesse þæs ánes brúcan ne mæge, brúce húru þæs óðres


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a piece of cheese Án tyl cýssticce portionem de formatico, Chrd. 15, 3: 5 : 8


cylew, cylu; adj.

Spotted, speckledguttātus

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Cylu guttātus, Ælfc. Gl. 80; Som. 72, 92; Wrt. Voc. 46, 49

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CIRM, cyrm, es; m.

A noise, shout, clamour, uproarstrepitus, clamor, fragor, clangor

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Cyrm, dyne fragor, Mone B. 4413. Cyrm clangor, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 40. Wæs on eorþan cyrm a noise was on the earth, Byrht. Th. 134, 61; By. 107: Andr. Kmbl. 2252; An. 1127.

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cýse-hwæg, es; n.

Cheese-whey siringia

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Cheese-whey; siringia Ða rinda wyl on cýse-hwæge boil the rinds in cheese-whey, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm, ii. 332, 9


Cyren-ceaster, Cyrn-ceaster

Cirencester, Cicester, Gloucestershire

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Cirencester, Cicester, Gloucestershire Æt Cyrenceastre at Cirencester, Chr. 1020; Th. 286, 12, col. 2: Ors. 5, 12; Bos. 110, 22


-res, -resu. v. cneó-, cyn-res, -resu.

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cyme, adj.

Becoming, convenient, suitable, lovely, beautiful, splendid commŏdus, conveniens, aptus, splendĭdus

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Ðe on Chananéa cymu worhte wundur qui fecit mirabilia in terra Chanaan, 105, 18. Gif ic míne gewǽda on wítehrægl cyme cyrde if I turned my beautiful garments into sackcloth, Ps. Th. 68, 11.


ceren, cæren, cyren, es; n?

sweet wine carenum

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Cyren vel awilled wín dulcisapa, Cot. 62


cyre-áþ, es; m. [cyre a choice, áþ an oath]

The select oath, the oath sworn by the accused, together with a certain number of consacramentals selected by him out of a fixed number of persons named to him by the judgejuramentum electum, quod quis præstabat cum aliquot coujura-toribus ab ipso selectis e quibusdam a judice nominatis [Schmd. 566]

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of persons named to him by the judge; juramentum electum, quod quis præstabat cum aliquot coujura-toribus ab ipso selectis e quibusdam a judice nominatis [Schmd. 566] Nemne him man x men and begite ðara twegen and sylle ðone áþ . . . and stande ðæs cyre-áþ

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cýpan, cípan; ic cýpe, ðú cýpest, cýpst, he cýpeþ, cýpþ, pl. cýpaþ; p. cýpte, ðú cýptest, pl. cýpton,cíptun

To sell vendere

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To sell; vendere Ic wylle cýpan volo vendere, Coll. Monast. Th. 27, 19. Ic cýpe míne þingc ego vendo meas res, 26, 33. Hwǽr cýpst ðú fixas ðine ubi vendis pisces tuos? 23, 21. Ðú sældest vel cýptest folc ðín vendidisti populum tuum, Ps. Spl.


CÍÞ, cýþ, es; m.

a CHIT, sprout, germ, sprig, motegermen, festucaseedcrementum

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Seó eorþe cýþ mid hire cíþum, ðæt se tíma is geáres anginn the earth makes known by her plants, that the time is the beginning of the year, Homl. Th. i. 100, 16.

Linked entries: cýþ corcíþ


CÝÐAN, p. ic, he cýðde, cýdde, ðú cýðdest, cýddest; pp. cýðed .

to make known, tell, relate, proclaim, announcenuntiare, annuntiare, narrare, referre, effari, prædicare to declare, reveal, manifest, shew, perform, confess, confirm, testify, prove notum facere, revelare, manifestare, ostendere, perhibere, confiteri, testari, probare

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Wísdóm sceoldon weras Ebréa wordum cýðan [MS. cyðdon] the Hebrew men must reveal wisdom by words, Cd. 176; Th. 221, 33; Dan. 97. Ellen cýðan to manifest valour, Beo. Th. 5384; B. 2695. Wundor cýðan to perform a miracle, Elen.

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Ðis weará þus gedón æfter þǽre cwéne hǽse . . . þá men ealle grétton þone cyngc and ðá cwéne . . . Apollonius cwæð: 'Ðú góda cyngc . . . and þú cwén.' Hé cwæð: 'Nimað þás þing þe mé seó cwén forgeaf,' Ap. Th. 17, 16—18, 15. v. port-, rihtæþel-cwén


cýle, l.
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cyle. v. cile

CÚ, nom. acc; gen. cúe, cú, cuus, cús; dat.; pl. nom. acc. ; gen. cúa, cúna; dat. cuum, cúm; f.

A cow vacca, bucula

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In. 59,; Th. i. 140, 1, 3 Cús eáge a cow's eye 59; Th. i. 140, 4 Of ðære from the cow M. H. 194a Gif mon cú forstele if a man steal a cow L. Alf. pol. 16; Th. i. 70, 24; L. In. 38; Th. i. 126, 5; L. Ath. v. § 6, 2; Th. i. 234, 1; L. O.

Linked entries: cuu folc-cú


CWÉN, gen. dat. cwéne; acc. cwén, cwénn, cwéne; pl. nom. acc. cwéne, cwéna; gen. cwéna; dat. cwénum; f: cwéne, cwýne; gen. dat. acc. cwénan, cwýnan; pl. nom. acc. cwénan; gen. cwénena; dat. cwénum; f.

a woman femina a wife uxor a king's or emperor's wife, a QUEEN, empress regina, imperatrix, augusta

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Aðelwulf cyng Carles dóhtor hæfde to cwéne king Æthelwulf had the daughter of Charles for his queen, Chr. 885; Erl. 85, 3: 1017; Erl. 161, 10: 1048; Erl. 180, 21. Mid ða æðelan cwén with the noble queen, Elen. Kmbl. 550; El. 275: Beo.




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boldSom. Ben. Lye

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