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ge-cýðan, p. -cýðde, -cýdde; pp. -cýðed, -cýd.

to make knowntellrelateproclaimannounceinformnuntiareannuntiarereferreeffarimonereto declarerevealmanifestshewperformconfirmtestifyprovedeclararerevelareedoceremanifestaremonstrareperhiberetestariprobareto make celebratedrenownedfamednotum facereinclytum reddere

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to make known, tell, relate, proclaim, announce, inform; nuntiare, annuntiare, referre, effari, monere Ða andsware gecýðan to make known the answer, Beo. Th. 714; B. 354 : 4638; B. 2324 : Ps. Spl. 101, 24. Gecýð make known, Exon. 50 a; Th. 173, 4; Gú


cynde, adj.

Natural, innate, inbornnaturalis, innatus, ingenitus

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Natural, innate, inborn; naturalis, innatus, ingenitus Cniht weóx and þág swá him cynde wǽron the boy waxed and thrived as to him was natural, Cd. 132; Th. 167, 26; Gen. 2771


Ciren-ceaster, Cyren-ceaster, Cyrn-ceaster; gen. ceastre; f. [Asser. Cirrenceastre: Hunt. Cirecestere: Brom. Circestre]

CIRENCESTER, Cicester, GloucestershireCirencestria in agro Glocestriensi

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CIRENCESTER, Cicester, Gloucestershire; Cirencestria in agro Glocestriensi Hie genámon iii ceastra Gleawanceaster, and Cirenceaster [Cyrenceaster, col. 2, 3], and Baðanceaster they took three cities, Gloucester, and Cirencester, and Bath, Chr. 577; Th


cyre, es; m. [ceósan to choose] Choice, free choice, free will; electio, hærĕsis = αἵρεσις , optio, arbitrium
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Cyre [MS. kyre] hæresis, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 84; Wrt. Voc. 16, 55. Cyre optio, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 146, 52.


cymen, es; m. n. The herb cummin; cŭmīnum = κύμινον , cŭmīnum, cyminum, Lin
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Ge tiógoðiaþ eówre mintan and eówerne dile and eówerne cymen [MS. kymen] ye tithe your mint and your dill and your cummin, Past. 57; Hat. MS. Dó ðæt cymen on.eced put the cummin into vinegar, L. M. 2, 44; Lchdm. ii. 256, 6. Cymen cymīnum, Ælfc.

Linked entry: cumin


CÝLE, cíle, céle,es; m.

A cold, coldness, CHILL frīgus

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Nabbaþ we to hyhte nymþe cýle and fýr we have nought in hope, save chill and fire, Cd. 220; Th. 285, 10; Sat. 335. Hý wyrcaþ ðone cýle hine on they bring the cold upon him, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 23, 6, 8

Linked entries: céle cíle


cyrc, e; f.

A church ecclesia

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A church; ecclesia Cristes cyrc Christ's church, Chr. 1066; Erl. 202, 1. In ðære cyrce in the church, 1070; Erl. 209, 40. Ða cyrce the church, 1070; Erl. 209, 36


cyrf, e; f?

A cutting off, an instrument to cut with abscissio, ferrum abscissionis

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A cutting off, an instrument to cut with; abscissio, ferrum abscissionis Cyrf abscissio, R. Ben. 28. Be ðisum cyrfe of this cutting, Homl. Th. ii. 406. 33. Cyrf ferrum abscissionis, C. R. Ben. 40

Linked entries: æcyrf fel-cyrf

cúe mesa

cúe mesa, an; m.

Cow's dung lætāmen

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Cow's dung; lætāmen Gesomna cúe mesa collect cow's dung L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 98, 5

Cynges tún

Cynges tún, eses; m. [cynges tún king's town]

KINGSTONregia villa

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KINGSTON; regia villa Aðelstán wæs to cynge æt Cynges túne gehálgod Athelstan was consecrated king at Kingston, Chr. 924; Th. 199, 8, col. 1: 979; Th. 234, 10, col. 2. ÆtCyninges tún at Kingston, Chr. 979; Th. 235, 9, col. 1


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Grammar cyst, = (?) stæf-cyst : Stæfcræftes, cyste (cyste, stæfcræftas, Hpt. Gl. 477, 49) litteraturae, An. Ox. 3031. a troop. v. cist in Dict. v. stæf-, unriht-cyst


CÝÞ, cýþþ,e; f.

knowledge notitia, cognitio, scientia relation, relationship, KITHfamiliaritas, munusa known land, native country, region, situs naturalis, natale solum, patria regio

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Cýþ region, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 14. Ðǽr úre cýþþ wæs there was our place, Ps. Th. 121, 2: 119, 5

Linked entry: cýððu


cyme, cime,es; m. [cuman to come]

A coming, an approach, advent adventus

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Morgensteorra bodaþ ðære sunnan cyme the morning star announces the sun's approach, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 4.

Linked entry: cime


ceáp-man, cýp-man, cýpe-man;-mannes; -men; -men; -manna; -mannum; m. A

CHAPMAN, merchant, market-manmercator, negotiator, nundinator

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CHAPMAN, merchant, market-man; mercator, negotiator, nundinator Gif ceápman uppe on folce ceápie, dó ðæt befóran gewitnessum if a chapman traffic up among the people, let him do it before witnesses, L. In. 25; Th. i. 118, 12, note 32: Obs. Lun. § 14;


un-cyme, l. -cýme.

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út-ácumen, -cymen[e]; adj.
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Se útácymena (útancumena, v. l.) munuc ðe of uncúðum eardum cymð si quis monachus peregrinus de longinquis provinciis supervenerit, R. Ben. 108, 4. Gé wǽron útácymene ( advenae ) on Egipta lande, Lev. 19, 34: 25, 23.

Linked entries: á-cuman útan-cumen


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Grammar cýpa, <b>cýpe,</b> an; f. Substitute: A basket Cýpan corbes, An. Ox. 18, 3. Þǽr tó láfe wǽron XII cýpan fulle, 3657 note: Lk. 9, 17 (in Dict.)


cystignes, cystines, cyst-ness, cyst-nyss,e ; f.

Bountifulness, goodness, munificence liberalitas, largitas, munificentia

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Bountifulness, goodness, munificence; liberalitas, largitas, munificentia Cystignesse, cystignysse liberalitatis, Mone B. 2511. Cystines liberalitas, 2494. We sceolon oferwinnan woruldlíce gytsunge mid cystignysse úres clǽnan módes we must overcome worldly


ge-cyndo, ge-cyndu.

Similar entry: ge-cynd


be-cípan, (-cýpan, q. v. in Dict.)

to sell

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to sell Swá hwæt swá hý heora geswinces becýpaþ, R. Ben. 136, 18. Þú becéptest ł þú sealdest vendidisti, Ps. L. 43, 13. Becýp (vende) eall þæt þú áhst, Mt. 19, 21: Scint. 59, 1. Gif man hwæt becýpan scyle . . . Gif hwylc neód sý tó becýpenne ǽnig þing

Linked entry: be-cýpan