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ge-ceósan, to geceósanne, geceósenne; ic -ceóse, ðú -ceósest, -cýst, -císt, he -ceóseþ, -cýsþ, -cýst, pl. -ceósaþ; p. -ceás, pl. -curon; pp. -coren

To electchoosedecideproveapproveeligerepræeligereseligereasciscerepeterenancisci

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To elect, choose, decide, prove, approve; eligere, præeligere, seligere, asciscere, petere, nancisci Nú monna gehwylc geceósan mót swá helle hiénþu swá heofones mǽrþu now every man may choose either hell's humiliations or heaven's glories, Exon. 16 b


wíd-scriþol, (-el, -ul); adj.
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Ðæt feórðe muneca cyn is wídscriþul (wíðscriþel gyrovagum, R. Ben. Interl. 10, 16) genæm*-*ned, R. Ben. 9, 21. Hit is yfel, ðæt sume (munecas) synd to wídscriþole, L. I. P. 14; Th. 11. 322, 13.

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cipp, es; n.? Substitute: <b>cipp,</b> es; m.
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Þurh cwearterhlice cyp per carceralem stipitem, 400, 552. þú ne gesáwe þone mǽstan cypp (cyp, cip. v. ll. ) on þínum ágenum eágan, R. Ben. 12, 4. the share-beam of a plough Cipp dentale, Wrt.


hwíte, adv.
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Whitely, with white colour ꝥ ðridde cyn mintan ꝥ blóweð hwíte, Lch. iii. 16, II. Hwíte (or adj. ? v. hwít; <b>Ia.</b>) hine gescrýdan to dress in white 198, 26


tó-tyhting, e; f.
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Instigation, prompting, suggestion Ðisses geáres ða Scottas heora cyng Dunecan ofslógan, and heom syððan his fæderan Dufenal tó cynge genámon, þurh des láre and tótihtinge hé wearð tó deáðe beswicen, Chr. 1094; Erl. 231, 2

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éðan, p. de ; pp. ed

To overflow, lay waste vastāre

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To overflow, lay waste; vastāre Ðá eácéðan gefrægn eald-feónda cyn win-burh wera then also I heard that the tribe of ancient foes laid waste the people's beloved city, Cd. 174; Th. 219, 19; Dan. 57

Linked entry: ǽðan


weorold-friþ, es; n.
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Cf. cyric-friþ Ðæt woroldfrið stande betweox Æðelréde cynge and eallum his leódscipe, and eallum ðam here ðe se cyng ðæt feoh sealde, L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 9


cípe-mann, (cíp-), es; m.
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Be ciépemonna (cýpe-, v. l. ) fóre, Ll. Th. i. 118, 11. Cýpmanna cýpinga nundinarum, An. Ox. 2655. Be ciépemannum (cýpe-, cýp-, v. ll. ), Ll. Th. i. 82, 9, 10.

Linked entry: ciépe-mon


self-déma, selfe-déma, an; m.
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Ðæt feórþe muneca cyn ðe is wídscriþul genæmned . . . hié synt wyrsan ðænne ða sylfedéman (sylf-, MS. T.), R. Ben. 9, 10-10, 2.

Linked entry: déma


Norweg, es; m. [The plural seems the more usual form.]


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Harold cyng on Norwegan, 200, 18, 27, 34, 40


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Þæt Iudéisce cyn is yfele bebunden mid þám ðe hí cwǽdon be Crístes blóde, Hml. Th. ii. 252, 31. Add


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Cyri (printed cyni, Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 27) detectum vel electio, Txts. 57, 664. Gyre optio, Germ. 396, 217. Freólicum sylflíces willan cyre ( munus quod) libero spontaneae voluntatis arbitrio (offertur ), An. Ox. 1290.


Iotas, Iutan ; pl.

The Jutes

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Of Iotum cómon Cantwara and Wihtwara ðæt is seó mégð ðe nú eardaþ on Wiht and ðæt cyn on West Sexum ðe man nú git hǽt Iutna cyn then came the men from three tribes of Germany, from old Saxons, from Angles, from Jutes.

Linked entries: Eota land Iútan


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Add: cynig (-eg) Cynig (kining, R.) rex, Mt. L. 2, 2. Cynig (king, R.), 3. Ðone cining regem . . . cinig rex, 1, 6. Salomones móder ðæs cyniges, 1, 6, margin. Cyningces regnatoris, An. Ox. 4472.


cíte, an; f.
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Sý þám untrumum gebróðrum synderlíce cýte (hús, cýte, R. Ben. I. 67, 17) geset and tó þám ánum betǽht fratribus infirmis sit cella super se deputata, R. Ben. 60, 20. Þæs muneces cýte mid leóhte wearð áfylled, Hml. S. 31, 811.

Linked entry: céte


ancra, ancera an anchorite.
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Óþer muneca cyn is ancrena, þæt is wéstensetlena, R. Ben. 9, 5. Add

Bebban burh

Bebban burh,
  • Chr. 547; Th. 28, 25; 29, 24 : 641
  • ;
  • Th. 49, 3 : 993
  • ;
  • Th. 240, 17; 241, 16, col. 2
  • :
  • Chr. 1093; Th. 360, 6
  • :
  • Chr. 1095 ; Th. 361, 39, 40
  • :
gen. -burge ; dat. -byrig ; acc. -burg, -burh; f.

BAMBOROUGH, in NorthumberlandBabbæ oppidum in provincia Northanhymbrorum

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BAMBOROUGH, in Northumberland: Babbæ oppidum in provincia Northanhymbrorum Hér Ida féng to ríce, ðonon Norþanhymbra cyne-cyn onwóc, and ríxode twelf geár. He timbrode Bebban burh, seó wæs ǽrost mid hegge betýned, and ðǽr æfter mid wealle here [A.

Linked entries: Bæbban burh Bebba-burh


íðan, p. de

To lay wastedesolatedestroy

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To lay waste, desolate, destroy Ic ýðde eotena cyn and on ýðum slóg niceras nihtes, Beo. Th. 846; B. 421. Ýðde ðisne eardgeard ælda scyppend the creator of men laid waste this world, Exon. 77 b ; Th. 291, 20; Wand. 85.


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Æðelstán cyng gefreóde Eádelm forraðe þæs ðe hé ǽrest cyng wæs very soon after he first was king, C. D. B. ii. 315, 18. Add

Linked entries: hraþe for-raþe


vípere, an ; f.
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A viper Cynn uíperana genimina uiperarum. Mt. R- 23, 33