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Án þǽra wæs Sibylla þe áwrát on leóðcræftes wíson be Crístes ácennednesse, Hml. Th. ii. 18, 16. Add


leóþ-wrenc, es; m.
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A trick in a poem, a doubtful or spurious passage (?) Dyple obolisrnene . . . byð oft on Uirgilius bácum and on his leóðwrencum gesette, Angl. viii. 334, 19

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Cnut cyning grét his arceb and his leód-biscopas, Cht. E. 229, 18. Add


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Gr. D. 163, 32. Add


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Add: cf. þeód-sceaþa


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Þæt folc of gehwilcum leódscipe þá stówe geneósiað, Hml. Th. i. 510, 12. For ðone cincg and ealne his leódscipe, C. D. iii. 315, 16. Cf. leód-rǽden. Add


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Add: cf. þeód-stefn


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Leóflicere laudabili . i. honorabili (fervore), An. Ox. 3919. Add


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Steorra leóhtberende lucifer, Ps. Lamb. 109, 3. Add


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Substitute: Wantonness, levity, frivolity Þonne ys se óeth;er heáfodleahter gecweden gífernes . . . of þǽre bið acenned ungesceád bliss and sceandlicnes and leóhtbrǽdnes and ídelsprǽc (inepta laetilia, scurrilitas, levitas, vaniloquium), Verc. Först.


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Léhtfaet lanterna, Wrt. Voc. ii. 112, 49. Leóhtfæt lampas, i. 284, 33: lampas vel lucerna vel lanterna, 81, 30. Leóhtfætes lanternę, ii. 52, 2. Man sceal habban . . . leóhtfæt, blácern, Angl. ix. 264, 21. Add


leóht-fǽtels, es; m.
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A lamp, lantern Leóhtfǽtels ł leóhtfæt lucernam, Ps. L. 17, 29

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leóht-lic, of little weight.
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Add: of sin, venial Ðurh ðám streáwe and ðám ceafe sind getácnode leóhtlice synna, Hml. Th. ii. 590, 14. Hú deóp seó bóc ys on gástlicum andgite, þeáh þe heó mid leóhtlicum wordum áwriten sig, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. 3, 22


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Substitute: Limp-halt (v. N. E. D. s. v.), halting Laempihalt, lemphihalt, lemp-halt, lemphald lurdus (cf. lordicare dorso incurvato incedere, Migne), Txts. 74, 589. Lemphealt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 3: 51, 20

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Gif þás lác ne beóð bebrocene þurh Bel, beo hit úre lífleást (let us die), Shrn. 4, 5. Wé synd ealle beléwde tó úre lif-leáste traditi sumuss Add: —


líge-leóht, (?); adj.
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Bright with flame; the neuter used substantively, as abstract noun Þis fýr is án lég, and hwæðre se an leg þreó þing on him hafað . . . Hé is hwít . . . þonne is þæt þridde þæt líhteð eall geond eorðærn . . . and þonne is hit hwæðre án lég, and ne mæg


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Add: despondency Se syxta unþeáw is ꝥ sé þe tó hláforde bið geset, ꝥ hé for módleáste ne mæge his mannum dón steóre, ac bið hin swá mihtleás on his módes strece, ꝥ hé his underþeóddan egesian ne dearr, O. E. Hml. i. 301, 5. Lǽcas cýddan þám fæder þæs


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Mé wæs swilce swíðlic lust þǽra sceandlicra sceopleóða mé gedréfde (-on, MS.), þonne hí mé on móde gebróhton þá deóflican leóþ tó singanne þe ic ǽr on worulde geleornode, Hml. S. 23 b, 539. Add


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lamplight Þæs blácernes leóht næs gesýne ... hé geseh eft ꝥ blácernleóht, Vis. Lfc. 54-59