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fore-weard, e; f.
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Se cyng þǽre forewarde gyrnde þe him beháten wæs, Chr. 1093; P. 227, 31. Bútan se cyng gelǽstan wolde eall þet hí on forewarde hæfdon ǽr gewroht, 1094; P. 228, 34. Hér swutelað on ðysan gewrite ðá foreward ðe Godwine worhte wið Byrhtríc, C.


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Add: an almsgiver. v. dǽlan, 1 ¶ Cýð mildheortnysse earmum mannum mid begeáte; ne forlǽt God ðé, sé ðe ðé tó dǽlere gesette, Hml. Th. ii. 104, 28 Wlfst. 286, 30


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Cf. eald, VI a On Arcestrates cyne-ríce his ealdefeder. Ap. Th. 28, 9. Se cing Eádmund ys bebyrged mid his ealdefæder Eádgáre, Chr. 1016; P. 153, 22

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un-áræfnedlíc, adj.

Intolerableimpossible to bear

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Þurh ða lond ðe ða unárefnedlícan cyn nædrena in wǽron in execrabilia serpentum genera, Nar. 6, 22


to floatto swimto flow

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Fleótende fluitans, Germ. 401, 12. of fish, to swim Eall fleótendra fixa cyn and fleógendra fugla, Shrn. 65, 31, Þæt heó gesáwe fleótende fixas and fleógende fugelas, Wlfst. 3, 5. to flow Ðá streámas ðe on neorxna wange fleótað, Sal. K. 190, 26


tó-sciftan, p. te
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Se cyng lét tóscyfton ðone here geond eall ðis land tó his mannon the king had the troops divided and quartered all over the country on his men, 1085; Erl. 218, 8


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Cynna ǽterna (cynn ǽterne, R.) genimina uiperarum , Lk. L. 3, 7. Cynn ǽttema progenies uiperarum . Mt. L. 3, 7: 23, 33. Æterna. 12, 34. Add


gestéd-hors, es; n. [stéda a steed]
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A stallion; ĕquus admissārius vel ēmissārius He ðone cyng bæd ðæt he him wǽpen sealde and gestédhors rŏgāvit sibi rĕgem arma dăre et ĕquum ēmissārum, Bd. 2, 14; S. 517, 5

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canceler, es; m.
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A chancellor; cancellarius Se cyng Willelm betǽhte Rodbeard his cancelere ðæt biscopríce on Lincolne the king William transferred the bishopric of Lincoln to Robert his chancellor, Chr. 1093; Ing. 306, 7


geán-fær, es; n.

A going againreturningreturnrĕdĭtus

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A going again, returning, return; rĕdĭtus Him wiðcwæþ se cyng ǽlces geánfæres [MS. geánfares] to Engla lande the king prohibited him from all return to England, Chr. 1119; Erl. 247, 34

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ge-gifod, part.

Enriched with gifts

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Enriched with gifts Se cyng him wel gegifod hæfde on golde and on seolfre the king had bestowed many gifts of gold and silver on him, Chr. l001; Erl. 136, 17

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land-efne, es; n.
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Amount of landed property Se cyng lét tóscyfton þone here geond eall þis land tó his mannon, and hí fǽddon þone here ǽlc be his landefne, Chr. 1085 ; P. 216, 3

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bresne, adj.
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Strong, powerful, bold; potens Ic his cynn gedó brád and bresne I will make his race wide-spread and powerful, Cd. 134; Th. 169, 17; Gen. 2801: 180; Th. 226, 18; Dan. 173


Byr-tún, es; m. [Hovd. Burhtun: Brom. Burton super Trent: Stub. Kni. Burton]
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BURTON on Trent, Staffordshire; oppidum ad ripam fluminis Trentæ, in agro Staffordiensi Se cyng geaf him ðæt abbotríce on Byrtúine the king gave him the abbacy at Burton, Chr. 1066; Erl. 203, 16


Sodomisc, adj.
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Of Sodom Sodomisc cynn, Cd. Th. 116, 12; Gen. 1935. Used as a noun, sodomita :-- Sodomisce .vii. geár fæston sodomitae .vii. annos jejunent, L. Ecg. P. iv. 68, 5; Th. ii. 228, 16


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Þæt cennende (cynn-, v. l.) wíf enixam mulierem, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 79, 8. Wið ꝥ cennende him, Lch. ii. 328, 22. Þá cennendan leomu genitalia, Gr. D. 26, 27: Wrt.


sib-leger, es; m.
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And æt siblegerum ða witan gerǽddan, ðæt cyng áh ðone uferan and bisceop ðone nyðeran, L. E. G. 4; Th. i. 168, 13-15. Cf. for-liger ; m

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meagol, <b>, megol;</b> adj.


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Fugla cyn hine weorþedon meaglum stefnum, 46 a; Th. 157, 13; Gú. 892: 60 b; Th. 221, 22; Ph. 338


sehtness, e ; f.
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[Geaf ðone cyng .xl. marc goldes tó sahtnysse, Chr. 1066 ; Erl. 203, 29.]


mis-þyncan, to give a wrong idea, impers. with dat. of person,
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to have mistaken ideas Ðá cwæð hé tó ðám cynge: 'Þes man is swíðe æfestful." Ðá cwæí se cyngc: 'Ðé misþingð ( you are mistaken); þes iunga man ne æfestigað on nánum ðingum,' Ap. Th. 14, 25