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deóre, adv.
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Se cyng sealde his land tó male swá hé deórost mihte. Chr. 1086; P. 218, 12. with kindness, as holding a person dear Dém þú þín folc deóre mid sóðe judica populum tuum in tua justitia, Ps. Th. 71, 2 : 117, 24.


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Hér cýð on ðysum gewrite hú Godwine and Leófwine wurdon ge-sybsumode ymbe ðæt land, C. D. iv. 266, 10


dryht-guma, driht-guma, an ; m.

A popular man, man of the people, warrior, retainer, follower, - pl. men, people vir popŭlāris vel nŏbĭlis, mīles, sătelles, - hŏmĭnes

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Weccaþ of deáþe dryhtgumena bearn, eall monna cynn the sons of men, all mankind, shall wake from death, Exon. 20 b; Th. 55, 22; Cri. 887.

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Egiptisc, Egyptisc; def. se Egiptisca, Egiptiscea; seó, ðæt Egiptisce; adj.

Belonging to Egypt, EgyptianÆgyptius

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Se Egiptiscea cyng the Egyptian king, Ex. 1, 17. Befóran ðam Egiptiscean folce before the Egyptian people, 3, 21, 22. þurh Egiptisce galdru through Egyptian enchantments, 7, 11. Ðæt Egiptisce folc the Egyptian people, ll, 7.

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Him biþ beforan andweard engla cynn, Bl. H. 83, 11. Swá swá hé hyre andweardre tó sprǽce, Bd. 4, 8; S. 575, 32: 4, 24; S. 597, 30. Þeáh þe wé nú þǽr andwearde ne sýn, Bl.


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Se bréma cyng (Cnuf), Chr. 1023 ; P. 156, II. Béda ðe bróema bóecere, Jn. L. 10, 37 margin. Þá rícu þæs bréman Fæder Patris regna, Dom. L. 295. Heó æteówde hyre breóst þám bréman Philippe, Hml. S. 2, 234: 18, 363.


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Mobilia (pronomina), þæt is áwendedlice (áwendendlice-endlice, v. l.) fram cynnecynne, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 94, 13: 20, 3, 9. Add

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ge-camp, n. (not m.).
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Muneca cyn þe ... under abbodes tǽcinge on gecampe wuniaþ ( militans sub abbate ), R. Ben. 9, 4. Wé magon ðá feóndlican leahtras mid gecampe oferwinnan, gif wé cénlíce feohtað, Hml.


ge-rǽdan, to advise, ge-rǽdan to arrange. [These two verbs seem to have coalesced (v. rǽdan), and are taken together.]
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Hi rǽddon swá ꝥ hí woldon þone cyng gesettan út of þám cynedóme, and hit wearð sona gecýdd þám cynge hú hit wæs gerǽd, Chr. 1075; P. 211, 2. Næs nán máre unrǽd geréd (-rǽd, v. l. ) þonne së wæs, 1016 ; P. 151, 4.


FRIÐIAN, freoðian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. [friþ peace] .

to keep the peacetowards, make peaceto protectdefendkeeppācĭfĭcāre protĕgĕretuēri

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Ðæt hie eall ðæt friðian woldon ðæt se cyng friðian wolde that they would protect all that the king would protect, Chr. 921; Erl. 108, 10, 11.

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æt-eówedniss, e; f.

A revelationrevelatio

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A revelation; revelatio To æteówednisse cynna ad revelationem gentium, Lk. Rush. War. 2, 32


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Add: still-born Gyf deádboren cyld sý on wífes innoðe, Lch. i. 206, 6


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[It began on August 7 and November 6 was its last day Þæs (after Lammas day) hærfest cymð ymb seofon niht bútan ánre wonan . . .


cearm, es; m.
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Clamour, noise Se forhta cearm (cyrm, v. l. ) and þǽra folca wóp, Wlfst, 186, 18


un-gesewenlíce, adv.

Invisiblywithout being seen

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Invisibly, without being seen God cymð ungesewenlíce tó geswǽsre heortan, Homl. Th. ii. 316, 4


-ling, es; m.
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Add: v. byrd-, cýþ-, efen-, heáfod-, mæst-, rǽp-, reád-, sib-, þeów-, þeówet-, under-, wǽdl- (?), wiþer-ling


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Uton ápinsian hú strec déma cymð pensemus quam districtus uenturus est iudex, Chrd. 88, 32. Add


císe, es; m.
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Ðonne þú cýse habban wille, Tech. ii. 123, 20: Goll. M. 34, 27. XL. and CC. hlába, I. wége césa, Cht. Th. 468, 24. Cýswyrhtan gebyreð hundred cýse (-a?), Ll. Th. i. 438, 31. v. cýse in Dict

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Fram Assyria cynge, Ps. Th. 45, arg. Álýsed æt Assirium, 29, arg. Asirium, 28, arg. Add


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Andlang stódfaldgemǽres þæt hit cymð tó stoccgemǽre, Cht. Crw. 25, 43