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irfe-land, es; n.

heritable land

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Land that passes as an inheritance, heritable land Ic cýðo hú mín willa is ðet mín ærfelond fére ðe ic gebohte on ǽce ærfe I declare how my will is that my heritable land shall go, that I bought in perpetual inheritance, Chart. Th. 476, 12.


sceáp-hirde, es ; m.
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Hwílum wearð geworden sceáphyrde tó cynge, L. Eth. vii. 22 ; Th. i. 334, 10. Scéphyrde oppilius, Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 10. Scýphyred (-hyrde ? cf. gáta hierde titurus, 288, 21) titirus. Wrt. Voc. i. 18, 57.



to go over or throughto pass throughpierceto penetratepermeatepervade

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His swurd sceal ðurhgán ðíne sáwle, i. 146, 8. to penetrate, permeate, pervade Seó eorðe byð mid ðam winterlícan cyle þurhgán, Lchdm. iii. 252, 7


warenung, warnung, wearnung, e; f.
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Kmbl. 855; Sal. 427. a putting on guard, a warning, admonition. v. warnian, II Hit ys Godes sprǽc and his warnung and seó tíd cymð hrædlíce, Gen. 41, 32. Wísdómes bigspell and warnung wið disig, Ǽlfc. T. Grn. 7, 38.

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Ðeós tíd cymð ymbe twelf mónað (post annum), Ll. Th. ii. 224, 32. v. Midsumor-, Midwinter-mónaþ. ¶ for the name of the months see Chr. P. Appendix A. and the Martyrology given in the Shrine. Add


rúm, adj.
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</b> of material things, ample, abundant :-- Gif hit rúmre cymð si Deus amplius dederit, Chrd. 15, 5. Add Rúmes cynedómes augustę potestatis, An. Ox. 3942


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On cytan seohtres ford, v. 374, 22-23. On seohteres heáfod; of þám seohtere, C. D. B. iii. 624, 20. Æt otansihtre, C. D. i. 216, 27. Ofer ðone cnol tó ðæn seohtore tó þrubróce, iii. 451, 14.


(num.; adj.)
fífta, m: seó, ðæt fífte; adj.

The FIFTHquintus

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Ðæt gé habbon wæstmas, and syllaþ ðam cynge ðone fíftan dǽl ut frūges hăbēre possītis, quintam partem rēgi dăbĭtis, Gen. 47, 24, 26


teónd, es; m.
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B.) cyre, swá wæterordál swá ýsenordál, L. Ath. iv. 6; Th. i. 224, 15. Tiónd, L. Eth. iii. 6; Th. i. 296, 3. Gylde man ðam teónde his ceápgyld, L. Edg. ii. 7; Th. i. 268, 19: L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 280, 20: 282, 3


mis-lic, <b>. I.</b>
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add: with a singular noun, where different instances of that which is denoted by the noun occur, not uniform, different forms of Hû mislic bið mægen þára cynna, Rä. 81, 8. Þá ic þurh mislic cwealm slóg, Jul. 493.


sinc-þegu, (<b>o</b>), e
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Acceptance of treasure the gift of a lord Sceal sincþego and sweordgifu eówrum cynne álicgean . . . syððan æðelingas gefricgean eówerne dómleásne dǽd for your kin shall receiving a lord&#39;s costly present and gift of sword be no more . . . after


teóðung-mann, es; m.
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Gyf neód on handa stande, cýðe hit man ðam hundredes men, and hé syððan ðám teóðingmannum, 2; Th. i. 258, 8


tíran, p. de
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Ðǽr biþ wóp and tóða gebitt, for ðan ðe ða eágan týraþ on ðam micclum bryne, and ða téð cwaciaþ on swíðlícum cyle, Homl. Th. i. 132, 26. Wiþ ðon ðe eágan týren (cf. wið eallum tiédernessum eágena, 2, 6), Lchdm. ii. 32, 28.

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un-þinged, adj.


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Uninvited, sudden, unexpected Ðý læs iów geméte se réða and se egeslíca dæg, se cymð ofer ealle eorðwaran unðinged, swǽ swǽ grin et superveniat in vos repentina dies illa.

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winter-líc, adj.
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Se winterlíca cyle, Lchdm. iii. 252, 3. Winterlíces cyles hybernalis algoris, Anglia xiii. 397, 461. Fram heánesse ðære winterlícan sunnan uppgange ab alto brumalis exortus, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 42. Tó ðam winterlícan sunnstede, Lchdm. iii. 250, 24.


ǽtrig, ǽttrig; adj.
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Poisonous, venomous Eall hit bið ǽtrig (ǽttrig v. l.) ꝥ him (the devil ) of cymð, Hml. S. 17, 127. Ǽttrig virulentus , Hpt. Gl. 450, 10. Mid ǽttrigere clufþunge letali toxa , 427, 55.

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Add Seó dene wæs weallende mid lígum on ánre sídan, on óðre sídan mid hagole and cyle, Hml. Th. ii. 350, 8


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Ðonne þú cýse habban wille, sete þonne þíne twá handa tógædere brálinga, swilce þú wringan wille, Tech. ii. 123, 21


mǽnan, p. de

To lamentmourncomplain

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Ic gehére gnorniende cynn grundas mǽnan ( the devils in hell), Cd. 216; Th. 273, 10; Sat. 134. Ðæt ic sceal teárum mǽnan that I must mourn with tears. Exon. 76a; Th. 285, 10; Jul. 712


sige, es ; m.
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Se cyng áhte siges geweald victory remained with the king, Chr. 1066 ; Erl. 201, 12. Hí mid mycele sige ( triumpho magno ) hám fóran, Bd. 1, 12 ; S. 480, 32. Palm getácnaþ syge, Homl. Th. i. 218, 11.