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  • adverb
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útane, (-one, -ene); adv.
Wright's OE grammar
where there is motion (lit. or fig.) to an object,
from without
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  • Útene


      Wrt. Voc. ii. 145, 21.
  • Him biþ se wela útane cumen, and hé ne mæg útane náuht ágnes habban,

      Bt. 27, 2; Fox 98, 7, 8.
  • Ic nolde ðæt ðú wéndest ðæt Gode áhwonan útane cóme his gódnes,

      34, 2; Fox 136, 23: 34, 7; Fox 144, 20.
  • Dý læs ðonne hié oferhyggaþ ðæt hié sién oferreahte útane mid óðerra manna lárum hié sién innan gehæfte mid ofermétum

    ne dum aliorum suasionibus foris superari despiciunt, intus a superbia captivi teneantur,

      Past. 42; Swt. 307, 6.
  • Him mon útane of óðrum londum an warm,

      Ors. 3, 7; Swt. 110, 28.
where there is not movement to an object.
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  • Se here ða burh útone besǽton,

      Chr. 1016; Erl. 156, 14.
  • Se rodor hine hæfþ útane (cf. se rodor ðás rúman gesceaft útan ymhwyrfeþ,

      Met. 20, 137), Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 22.
  • Ðætte wé scylen beón on ðisse ælðeódignesse útane beheáwene mid suingellan, tó ðæm ðæt wé sién geféged tó ðæm gefógstánum on ðære Godes ceastre

    quia nunc foris per flagella tundimur, ut intus in templum Dei postmodum disponamur,

      Past. 36; Swt. 253, 18.
on the outside, on the surface
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  • Se wielm ðæs innoðes út ábiersð, and wierð tó sceabbe, and moniga wunda útane wyrcð,

      Past. 11; Swt. 71, 10.
out, at sea
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  • Ðá gerǽdde se cyng ðæt man gegaderode scipu ... and hí sceoldan cunnian gif hí muhton ðone here áhwǽr útene betræppen,

      Chr. 992; Erl. 131, 27.
outwardly, externally
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  • Ðonne hé ongit be sumum ðingum oððe ðeáwum útone (-anne, Hatt. MS.) ætiéwdum (

    signis exterius apparentibus

    ) eall ðæt hié innan ðenceaþ,
      Past. 21; Swt. 155, 10.
  • Útane,

      28; Swt. 195, 22.
  • Gif munuc inne on his heortan eáðmód bið, and ná ðæt án, ac eác swylce útene mid his líchoman eáðmódnesse gebýcnige,

      R. Ben. 31, 3.
with ymbe,
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  • Ðá ymbe ðæt útene forðférde Decius

    about that time Decius died,

      Homl, Skt. i. 23, 348.
[O. H. Ger. úzana.]
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  • útane, adv.