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þyncan, p. þúhte.

to seemappearto seem fit

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Wrætlíc mé þinceþ, hú seó wiht mæge wordum lácan, Exon. Th. 414, 11; Rä. 32, 18. Þinceþ ðé miht ðú libban potes vivere? Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 40. Ðúhte heom ðæt hit mihte swá, Cd. Th. 266, 14; Sat. 22.

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BRAND, brond, es; m.
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Brondas lácaþ on ðam deópan dæge fires shall flare on that awful day, Exon. 116 b; Th. 448, 23; Dom. 58. Bronda of fires. Beo. Th. 6302; B. 3161: Exon. 116 a; Th. 445, 25 ; Dom. 13.

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on-fón, p. -féng; pp. -fangen (
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Ic bidde ðé ðæt ðú onfó ðissa láca. Gen. 33, 10.

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FÆÐM, es; m: also in prose fæðm, e; f.

the embracing armsbrachia amplexa, circumdăta A lap, bosom, breast quicquid complectĭtur vel comprehendit alĭquid, sĭnus, grĕmium, interna, pectusFATHOM = six feet spătium utriusque brachii extensiōne contentumAn embrace, protection amplexus, complexus, protectioGrasp, powerpŏtestas, dĭtio An expanse, abyss, deep expansum, tractus, superfĭcies, abyssus, profundum

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Hie on flódes fæðm ceólum lácaþ they sail in ships on the expanse of the food, Andr. Kmbl. 503; An. 252

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FLÓD, es; n. m.

a flowing of waterflowflowing waterwavetideFLOODsearunning streamriverflūmenfluctusfluentumæstusaccessusflŭviusthe Flooddelugedilŭvium

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Hie on flódes [m. or n.] fæðm ceólum lácaþ they sail in ships on the bosom of the sea, Andr. Kmbl. 503; An. 252: Beo. Th. 83; B. 42: Salm. Kmbl. 161; Sal. 80. On Iordanes flóde [m. or n.] in Iordānis flūmĭne, Mk. Bos. 1, 5.

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MAGAN, (the infin. does not occur in W. S. but mæge glosses posse,
  • Mk. Skt. p. 3, 1
  • ;
and <b>magende</b>
(cf. Icel. megandi) = quiens,
  • Ælfc. Gr. 41
  • ;
  • Som. 44, 21.

to be strongefficaciousto availprevailbe sufficientto be strongbe in good healthto be ablemaymay

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Óþ ðæt ðú meahte .. forsión, meahtes .. lácan, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 11-17; Met. 24, 6-9. Mihte, Blickl. Homl. 45, 27, Swá hit men fægrost geþencean meahton, 125, 23: Elen. Kmbl. 648; El. 324. Meahten, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 13; Ph. 573.

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weg, (wig, Kent. Gl. 207: 475: 772; pl., weogas, 21), es; m.
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Hié ofer feorne weg ceólum lácaþ, Andr. Kmbl. 504; An. 252 : 2348 ; An. 1175. Fóre gefremman on feorne weg, 382 ; An. 191. Nán man ne mihte faran þurh ðone weg (woeg, Lind.: wæge, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 8, 28.