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Wæwærðlíce, adv.
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Of ðissum syx tídum wihst se quadrans swýðe wæwerðlíce, and forð stæpð wel orglíce swylce hwylc cyng of his giftbúre stæppe geglenged, Anglia viii. 298, 34.


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Of wæterum úpásprungen cynn dǽlmǽlum ( partim ) þú ongeánsændst wǽle, dǽlmǽlum þú úp áhefst on lyftum, Hy. S. 25, 6. Genim þás wyrte, syle hý dǽlmélum etan oððe on drince þicgean, Lch. i. 198, 24. Add


be-syrian, p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed
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Ða Scottas heora cyng Dunecan besyredon the Scots ensnared their king Duncan, 1094; Erl. 230, 40


huntung, e; f.


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Ic sylle cync swá hwæt swá ic gefó quid facis de tua vexatione? Ego do regi quicquid capio, 25-7. Of huntungum de venationibus, Rtl. 118, 39


sceamleáslíce, adv.
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Swá hé scamleáslícor his yfel cýð ( impudenter innotescif ), 55, I; Swt. 427, 25


exilebanishto throw awaycast awaydestroy

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Add: to send away from a country, exile, banish Þisne æþeling Cnut cyng hæfde forsend on Ungerland, Chr. 1057; P. 188, 9. to throw away, cast away. lit.


þeód-scipe, es; m.
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Eal þeódscype hine hæfde for fulne cyng, 1013; Erl. 148, 36. Þes þeódscype the English, Wulfst. 163, 19. Se ðeódscype the Jews, 14, 7. Cyning sceal geþeón and his þeódscipe eác swá, 266, 21.

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So in the following page in l. 10, kynn, in l. 20, cynn.


(n.; num.; adj.)


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Ðá hét se cyng faran mid nigonum ðara níwena scipa, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 20. Grammar nigon, as adj. : Harold wes gewend mid nigon scipon, 1052; Erl. 183, 18. Nigon nihtum ǽr middum sumere, 898; Erl. 96, 19. Ic ofslóh niceras nigene, Beo.


of-féran, to overtake (
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Se cyng férde him ( the Danes ) æt hindan, and offérde hí innan Eást-Seaxan, and ðǽr tógædere heardlíce féngon, 1016; Erl. 158, 1

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yfera, cpve.: yfemest; spve, adj. Upper, higher; of time,
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Cyng áh ðone uferan (yferan, v. l. ), and bisceop ðone nyðeran, L. E. G. 4; Th. i. 168, 16. Þurh his upstige tó ðam yfemystan þrymsetle, Homl. Th. i. 308, 9. Of ðǽm yfemestum (ymestum, Hatt. MS.) tó ðǽm nieðemestan, Past. 18; Swt. 134, 24

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ymb-licgan, p. -læg.
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Kmbl. 152, 6. to lie about, along. v. ymb, 1 d Se cyng ðæt land on ða sǽhealfe mid scipum ymbelæg, Chr. 1072 ; Erl 211, 2


ge-wæd, es; n.
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A ford Willelm cyng lǽdde scipfyrde and landfyrde tó Scotlande ... and his landfyrde æt þám Gewæde ( the Forth) inn lǽdde (férde inn ofer ꝥ Wæð, v. l. ), Chr. 1072; P. 208, 14.


heáh-mægen, es; n.
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Þæt hine werþeóde and eal engla cynn úp on roderum hergen heáhmægen, þǽr is help gelong, Jul. 645. Cf. heáh-miht


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Add: tax levied to provide money to buy of the Danes (v. here; I. 2 c ¶ l) On þan ylcan geáre áléde Eádweard cyng ꝥ heregyld ꝥ Æþelréd cyng ǽr ástealde, Chr. 1052; P. 173, 18. Ic ðat só fele síðe só men gildeð hire gilde tó heregilde, C.


fór-word, es; n.

A fore-wordstipulationagreementpræcautiopactum

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Ðis synd ða fórword ðe Æðelréd cyng and ealle his witan wið ðone here gedón habbaþ these are the agreements which king Æthelred and all his counsellors have made with the army, L. Eth. ii. prm; Th. i. 284, 6


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'Cym tó ðínum ágenum rihtryne' nuntiavit quod cursus sui Padus alveum egressus ecclesiae agros occupasset. . . 'Ad proprium alveum redeas,' 193, 15-20. Tó his ágnum rihtryne, 194, 4. Add


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Add: of an event which immediately succeeds another ꝥ cild þe bið ácænned, sóna hit cýð mid wópe and þǽrrihte wítegað þissere worulde geswinc, Hml.


un-gemetfæst, adj.


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Ðám monnum ðe beóþ neátenum gelíce, ðæt beóð unrihtwíse and ungemetfæste, 14, 1; Fox 42, 4. in reference to physical things, immoderate, excessive Hwílum cymð of ungemetfæstre hǽto, hwílum of ungemetfæstum cyle, Lchdm. ii. 56, 16.


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Ðá beád se bisceop his wer þám cynge. Ðá cwæð se cyng ꝥ mihte béon geboden him wið clǽnum legere (to obtain burial in consecrated ground [cf. C. D. i. 310, 33, given at leger-stów]), Cht. Th. 208, 31