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ge-festnian, p. ode; pp. od

To fastenmake fastconfirmshut upimprisonfirmāreconfirmāreinclūdĕre

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Se cyng genam Roger eorl his mǽg, and gefestnode hine the king took earl Roger his kinsman and imprisoned him, 1075; Erl. 214, 5. Ðe be swylcre gewittnesse gefestnod is which is confirmed by such witness, Th. Diplm. A. D. 856; 117, 18

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hearm-cwide, es; m.
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Judéa cynn wið godes bearne áhóf hearmcwide the race of the Jews against God's son blasphemed, Andr. Kmbl. 1121; An. 561: 157; An 79. Áhrede mé hearmcwidum heánra manna redime a calumniis hominum, Ps. Th. 118, 134: Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 15; Cri. 1121

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(num.; adj.)
feórþa, feówerþa; seó, ðæt feórþe, feówerþe; adj.

The FOURTHquartus

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Ðæt feórþe cyn the fourth tribe, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 20; Exod. 310. Feórþan dǽles ríca a ruler of a fourth part, tetrarch; tetrarcha, Lk. Bos. 3, 1. On ðære feórþan mǽgþe generātiŏne quarta, Gen. 15, 16.


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Beornas onwócan, cynn æfter cynne cende wǽron, Ps. Th. 104, 11. Hwǽr ús hearmstafas onwócan, Cd. Th. 58, 2; Gen. 940. Hié begeton feówertíg bearna ðæt ðonon menio onweócon, 294, 25; Sat. 476

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BÁR, es; m.

A BOARaper

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A BOAR; aper Cyng Willelm forbeád sleán ða heortas swylce eác ða báras king William forbade men to kill the stags, and also the boars, Chr. 1087; Ing. 296, 12.


Hæestingas, Hestingas, Hæstinga ceaster
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Ðá férde se cyng tó Hæstingan then the king went to Hastings, 1094; Erl. 229, 35. Hí heafdon ofergán Súþseaxe and Hæstingas [Hæsting, l. 36] they had overrun Sussex and Hastings, 1011; Erl. 144, 27. Tó Hæstinga ceastre at Hastings, L.


ge-dwola, error.
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Hé geseah ꝥ eal manna cynn on missenlicum gedwolum from heora Scyppende gewitene wǽron, Bl. H. 103, 5. a practice that deceives, leads into error.


eáwu, e; f.

A ewe ovis fēmĭna

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A ewe; ovis fēmĭna Agefe mon to Liming l eáwa and v let fifty ewes and five cows be given to Lyming, Th. Diplm. A. D. 835; 470. 29. 32

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furður, adv.


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Ðæt ðé cyning engla gefrætwode furður micle ðonne eall gimma cynn that the king of angels adorned thee much more than all the kinds of gems, 3035; An. 1520


be-geát, es; n. (f.
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Ox. 2698: 3915. what is acquired, possessions, property Cýð mildheortnysse earmum mannum mid þínum begeáte, Hml. Th. ii. 104, 27. Mid þínum begeátum, Wlfst. 286, 29. Hí læccað of manna begeátum lóc hwæt hí gefón magan, Ll. Th. ii. 328, 4.


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Se cyng þæt hús (the temple) mǽrlícost tó Gode betǽhte þe ǽfre ǽr ǽnig gewurde Wlfst. 278, 4. Hú hé be Gode mihte mǽrlícost wrítan, Hml. S. 15 202. Add


ár-leás, def. se ár-leása; adj. [ár, leás].

void of honourhonourlessdisgracefulinfamouswickedimpiousinhonestusimpiusinfamispitilessmercilesscruelcrudelis

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void of honour, honourless, disgraceful, infamous, wicked, impious; inhonestus, impius, infamis Him árleáse cyn andswarode the honourless race answered him, Cd. 114; Th. 149, 15; Gen. 2475 : 91; Th. 116, 10; Gen. 1934.


ilde, pl. m.


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Ilda cyn the race of men, Elen. Kmbl. 1040; El. 521, Ylda bearn the children of men, Cd. 113 ; Th. 149, 6; Gen. 2470: 177; Th. 222, 17; Dan. 106.

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Eal þis mennisce cyn wæs on blindnesse, seoþþan þá ǽrestan men ásceofene wǽron of gefeán neorxna wanges, 17, 14. Ðá inran þeóstru sind þæs módes blindnyssa wiðinnan, Hml.


for-wrecan, p. -wræc, pl. -wrǽcon; pp. -wrecen [wrecan to drive]

To drive outbanishexpelexpellĕrepropellĕrefŭgāre

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Hý forwrǽcon wícinga cynn they expelled the race of the vikings, Scóp Th. 95; Wíd. 47. Eart ðú ána forwrecen on Hierusalem tu sōlus peregrīnus es in Jerusalem? Lk. Bos. 24, 18


gold-smiþ, es; m.
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Ðe Eádréd cyng gebócode Ælfsige his goldsmipe which king Edred gave by charter to his goldsmith Ælfsig, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 431, 24: vi. 211, 7: Bt. Met. Fox 10, 67; Met. 10, 34


swicollíce, adv.
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Aman smeáde swicollíce embe ðæt hú hé eall ludéisc cynn fordyde Haman plotted how to destroy all the Jewish race, Homl. Ass. 96, 145


synlíce, adv.

Sinfully, wickedly

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Se cyng and ða heáfodmenn lufedon swíðe and oferswíðe gítsunge on golde and on seolfre and ne róhtan hú synlíce hit wǽre begytan, Chr. 1086; Erl. 220, 6, 12


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Wǽron þá æþelingas befæste Egcbrihte cynge ... wæs se cyng heora fæderan sunu, Eorcenbrihtes, Lch. iii. 424, 11. Þá eðelingas Æðelfriðes ( K. of Northumbria ) suna, Chr. 617; P. 24, 29. <b>Ia.


ge-fón, ic ge-fó; ðú ge-féhst; he ge-féhþ, pl. ge-fóþ; imp. ge-fóh; p. ge-féng, pl. ge-féngon; pp. ge-fangen

To takeseizecatchcapere

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To take, seize, catch; capere Ic sylle cync swá hwæt swá ic gefó ego do regi quicquid capio, Coll. Monast. Th. 22, 27. He geféhþ ðæt ðæt he æfter spyreþ he seizes that which he tracks, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 212, 1.