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munt-clýse, munt-clýsa ?, an; f. (m. ?).
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., no. 143. v. mann-cynn ; II.2.] —

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Hér drǽfde Eádgar cyng þá preóstas (þa canonicas canonici, v. ll. ) of Ealdan mynstre . . . and sette hý mid munecan, Chr. 964; P. 116, 3.


stott, es; m.
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Ðæt is vii oxen and viii and iiii feldhrýþera and ii stottas ( equi uiles ), Nap. 56, 7


geornan, giornan, giornian; p. de, ade, ede; pp. ed
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Se cyng and his witan georndon friþes the king and his witan desired peace, Chr. 1011; Erl. 144, 21. To geornanne mendicare, Lk. Skt. Lind. 16, 3. Giornade, giornede, giornde begged, Mk. Skt. Lind. 10, 46: 1, 40: Jn. Skt. Lind. 9, 8

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Hér wæs Eádweard cyng ofslagen on ǽfentíde, Chr. 979; P. 123, 6. On ǽfentíd. Shrn. 116, 8. On ðá ǽfentíd. Nar. 29, 21. In éferntíd vespere Mt. L. 8, 16. On éfnitíd (éfern-, R.) sero Mk. L. 13, 35. Oþ ǽfentíd ad vesperum Bd. l, 27; S. 496, 34. Add


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Þæt mænnisce cynn forslagen forweornode humanum genus succisum aruit, Gr. D. 258, 13. Forweornodon tabuerunt, An. Ox. 8, 227. Forwurnende polluta, maculata, Hpt. Gl. 448, 45. Add


a-bannan, p. -beónn, pl. -beónnon ; pp. -bannen.

to commandordersummonmandarejubereto publishproclaimto order outcall forthcall togethercongregateassembleedicereavocarecitare

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Ðá hét se cyng abannan út ealne þeódscipe then the king commanded to order out [to assemble] all the population, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 8


metsung, e; f.


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Ðá gerǽdde se cyng ðæt man him gafol behéte and metsunge, 994; Erl. 133, 23: 1006; Erl. 141, 10. Beád ðá Swegen full gild and metsunga tó his here, 1013; Erl. 149, 3. Heom man geaf gíslas and metsunga, 1052; Erl. 184, 6


swebban, p. swefde, swefede; pp. swefed.
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Ne móton wyt wrecan torn Godes, swebban synnig cynn, Cd. Th. 152, 35 ; Gen. 2531

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Se cyng létt áwéstan ꝥ land ábútan þá sǽ, Chr. 1085; P. 216, 4. Þæne áwéstendan deófol, Angl. viii. 330, 25. Áwéstendum populantibus, An. Ox. 2715. Gehwilce ǽnlípige sind mid fǽrlicum slihte áwéste, Hml. Th. ii. 124, 10. Add


ge-celf, adj.

Great with calf

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Great with calf Ðæt ic hæbbe hnesce litlingas, and gecelfe mid me that I have tender children and incalving cows with me, Gen. 33, 13; quod parvŭlos hăbeam tĕnĕros, et boves fetas mecum, Vulg. Gen. 33, 13

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Scottas, pl.
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Scotta cynn Breotone onféng on Pehta dǽle, Bd. l, l; S. 474, 24), Exon. Th. 323, 15; Víd. 79

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ge-rǽdnes, -rǽdnis, -rǽdnys, -ness, e; f.
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An ordinance, a decree, purpose, an intention, a resolution, condition; consultum Ðis is seó gerǽdnys ðe Eádgár cyng gerǽdde this is the ordinance that king Eadgar ordained, L. Edg. i. pref; Th. i. 262, 2: L. E. G. pref; Th. i. 166, 5: L.


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Ðá gesealde se cyng and gebécte ðæt land Æðelstáne ealdormenn tó hæbbenne and tó syllanne for lífe and for legere ðám him leófost wǽre. Æfter ðám getídde ðæt Ecgferð gebóhte bóc and land æt Æðelstáne ealdormenn, Cht. E. 202, 22-26.


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Add: of the gospel, contained in the gospel Swá ús seó godspellice racu cýð, Hml. Th. i. 76, 30. Godspellicere race euangelice relationis, An. Ox. 1797.


C, In Gothic and Icelandic C is entirely wanting, being always represented by k. It is remarkable that the Anglo-Saxons have seldom made use of k; but, following the Latin, have preferred the use of c.
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In words immediately derived from Anglo-Saxon, k is frequently substituted for the Anglo-Saxon c ; as, cyning a king; cyn kin or kindred.


scirian, p. ede; pp. scired, scirred (v. á-scirred)
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Sceóp ðá and scyrede Scyppend úre oferhídig cyn engla of heofnum then did our Creator adjudge and ordain the presumptuous race of angels to banishment from heaven, Cd. Th. 5, 1; Gen. 65.

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cíle, l. cile,
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And þec ceolas weorðian, forst and snáw, winterbiter weder, Az. 103. v. céle, cýle (l. cele, cyle) in Dict. and at cýle dele foreign forms in bracket


letting, e; f.


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[Se cyng scipa út on sǽ sende his bróðer tó dære and tó lættinge, Chr. 1101; Erl. 237, 19.] Blindne se ðe hine gesihþ lettincge getácnaþ if a man [in a dream] sees himself blind, it betokens hindrance, Lchdm. iii. 200, 14: 202, 3: 204, 2


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Tó þám midewintre wæs se cyng on Gleáweceastre, 1085; P. 216, 10. Hé wæs on Westmynstre þone midewinter. 1075; P. 212, 6. On ðon .xl. dæg ofer midewinter, 762; P. 51, 13. Tó þám ymbrene ǽr myddawintran (-wintra ?), Lk. 1, 26, rbc. Add