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an armyan armya hosta division of an armyarmy corpslegioncohorttroopinfantrycavalryan armyan armymultitudehostcrowdmultitudeharryingdevastationplunderingravaging

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Ðæt ǽrost, ꝥ woroldfrið stande between Æðelréde cynge and eallum his leódscipe and eallum þám here þe se cyng ꝥ feoh sealde, Ll. Th. i. 284, 6-11.


wilisc, adj.
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Onwócon of Chame .xxx. theóda mycelra, and eác ðæt cynn wæs geseald ðám óðrum cynnum twám on heaftneád and on þeówdóm. 2, 51), and on cyrlisc cynn, and on gesýðcund cynn, Anglia xi. 3, 62

Ceortes íg

Ceortes íg, Certes íg, e;. f. [Hovd. Matt. West. Certesie]


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Hér drǽfde Eádgár cyng ða preóstas of Ceortes íge [Certes ige, 223, col. 3] in this year, A. D. 964, king Edgar drove the priests from Chertsey, Chr. 964; Th. 222, 5, 10

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clǽne, cláne, cléne; adv.

CLEAN, entirelypenitus, omnino

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Ðæt mín cynn clǽne [MS. clane] gewíte that my race be clean gone, Cod. Dipl. 235; A. D. 835; Kmbl. i. 311, 16. Cléne entirely, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 14; Sat. 7

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seht, adj.
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Wearð se cyng and his bróðor sehte . . . and eall Normandíg æt him mid feó álísde, swá swá hí ðá sehte wǽron, 1096 ; Erl. 233, 17. Sæhte, 1077 ; Erl. 215, 10


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Hí ne móston cuman on his eágon gesihðe, Chr. 1048; P. 174, 10, Þú gesáwe mot on þínes bróðor eáge, and ne gesáwe cyp on þínum ágenum eágan, R. Ben. 12, 4. Fram þám swýðran næsþyrle oð hit cóm tó þám eáge, Hml. A. 181, 8.


tilung, <b>.
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Ðá cynn beóð langswýrede ðe lybbað be gærse ... and ǽlc byð gelimplic tó his lífes tilunge ( each is adapted for caring for its life ), Hex. 16, 4.


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Th. ii. 406, 33. v. of-, ymb-cyrf. what is cut off Tódál ł cyrf comma, An. Ox. 18 b, 9. v. æ-cyrf in Dict., where read <b>ǽ-cyrf,</b> es; m


bléd, e; f.
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A shoot, branch, flower, fruit; germen, ramus, frons, flos, fructus Ðæt cymen [MS. cyme] gréne bléda that green shoots come, Cd. 200; Th. 248, 24; Dan. 518. On ðæs beámes blédum on the branches of the tree, Cd. 200; Th. 248, 5; Dan. 508.


orgel-líce, adv.
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He forþ, stæpþ wel orglíce swylce hwyle cyng of his giftbúre stæppe geglenged, Anglia viii. 298, 34

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Twá cynn sind martirdómes, án dearnunge, óðer eáwunge, Hml. Th. ii. 544, 14. Dernunge in occulto, Jn. L. 18, 20. Dernunga clam, Mt. R. 2, 7. Hé begeat mid his sméhwrencan eall dyrnunga æt Steorran ꝥ him gewearð se þridda penig of þǽre tolne, C.


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Add Ne cýð ðú witod on wén ðín (don't count your chickens before they are hatched] ; wite máran þanc ðæs ðe ðú hæbbe, ðonne ðæs ðe ðú wéne ( a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush). Prov. K. 22


bóc, a book.
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<b>I a</b> 2. add: a title-deed Se cyng gebécte ðæt land Æðelstáne ... Ecgferð gebohte bóc and land æt Æðelstáne, Cht. E. 202, 25. Se cing hét þone arcebisceop bóc settan and Æðelstáne bóc and land betécan, C. D. iv. 234, 23.


a hero

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Th. i. 278, 5.]: Se cyng and Þúrkyl eorl (cf. Cnut cyng eall Englalandes ríce tódǽlde on feówer; him seolfan West-Sexan, and Þúrkylle Eást-Englan . . . 1017; P. 154, 4), Chr. 1020; P. 154, 24.


girela, gierela, am; m.: <b>girelu,</b> e; f.
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L. 11, 8. v. cyne-girela, cyne-girelu, cyning-girela, cyning-girelu, godweb-girela, godweb-girelu, hróþ-girela, hróþ-girelu, mæsse-girela, mæsse-girelu, weorold-girela, weorold-girelu

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(v.; part.)
cýdde, said, told, Chr. 1066; Th. 336, 21, = cýðde; p.
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of cýðan


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Monige cynn þe wé æðelu ne magon áreccan, Pa. 2.


full-fremed, adj. (p/cpl.)
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Þridde cyn muneca is ánsetlena þe on mynsteres wununge fulfremede sindon ( jam coenobiale conversatione perfecti ), R. Ben. 134, 22. Fulfremedum leornerum, 21, 16. of complete excellence Wæs hé on gódum for Gode swíþe fulfremed, Bl. H. 217, 10.

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Þá geseah ic þá gedriht (þege driht, MS.) in gedwolan lifgan, Israéla cyn unriht dón, Dan. 22. Ofer ealle æðelinga gedriht (cf.


boh, l. bóh,


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Hyre (leechwort) stela byð mid geþúfum bógum, Lch. i. 248, 18. ꝥ óðer cyn (of southernwood) is greáton bógum and swýþe smælon leáfon, 250, 19. Wæs Aarones gyrd gemétt grówende mid bógum, Hml. Th. ii. 8, 15.