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., decide, of those who make a law Þis syndon þá dómas ðe Ælfréd cyncg geceás (cf. þá ðe mé ryhteste ðúhton, ic þá héron gegaderode, and þá óðre forlét, 46, 22), Ll. Lbmn. 17, 2. Ðis syndon þá dómas þe Ælfréd cyncg and Gúðrum cyncg gecuran, Ll.


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Add Geboren of freón (freógum, v.l.) and of æþelum cynne liberiori genere exortus, Gr. D. 95, 10


ge-ascian, -acsian, -ahsian, -axian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [acsian to ask]

To find out by askinglearnhearfando accĭpĕrediscĕreaudīre

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Ðá geascade se cyng ðæt ðæt hie út on hergaþ fóron then the king heard that they were gone out to ravage, 911; Erl. 100, 24. We geascodon ðæt úre geferan sume to eów cómon we have heard that some of our fellows have come to you, L.


sáre, adv.
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Mé ðæt cynn hafaþ sáre ábolgen that race hath angered me sore, 76, 14; Gen. 1257. Forgrípan gumcynne grimme and sáre heardum mihtum, 77, 15; Gen. 1275. Sum sáre angeald ǽfenreste one paid a heavy price for his night's rest, Beo. Th. 2507; B. 1251.


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Hiera cynn wæs ealra cræftegast gloriosissima illa viribus familia, 2, 4; S. 72, 10. knowing a craft, art, trade Gif craeftige men ( artifices ) on mynstre sýn, begán þane cræft and georne wyrcen, R.


Fróm-múþa, Frómuþa, an; m.

The mouth of the river Frome in Dorsetshire, where the Frome discharges itself into Poole BayFromi ostium in agro Dorsetensi, ŭbi se in sĭnum ilium ad quem Poole oppĭdumassĭdet, Fromus exŏnĕrat

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Cnut cyng com to Frómmúþan, and heregode dá on Dorsǽtum, and on Wiltúnscire, and on Sumersǽtum king Cnut came to the mouth of the Frome, and then ravaged in Dorsetshire, and in Wiltshire, and in Somersetshire, Chr. 1015; Th. 276, 12.

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þider-inn, -in; adv.
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Ic wille ðæt se cyng beó hláford ðæs mynstres and ðære landára ðe ic þyderinn becweden hæbbe ( that I have bequeathed to the monastery ), 547, 32. His béc ealle hé cwæð þyderin, 550, 23. Ósaníg gange þyderin, 550, 19


áþ, <b>. I.</b>
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Beó se cyng ǽlces þǽra wíta wyrðe (this comes at the end of a section dialing with oaths and ordeals), Ll. Th. i. 282, 16] :-- Hámsócn and forsteall, . . . áþ and ordél, fyrdwíte, Cht. Th. 433, 28: 433, 8: 20: 31


un-seht, m. f. n.


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Disagreement Hí macodon mǽst ðet unseht betweónan Godwine eorle and ðam cynge, Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 27

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heort-gryre, es; m.
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Terror of heart, mortal terror Fela cynna egesan geweorþað on eorðan folce tó heortgryre, Wlfst. 86, 15

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stán-cnoll, es; m.
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, rock-summit Andlang þǽre róde oð hit cymð beneoðan stáncnolle, Cht. E. 248, 17


útsiht-ádl, e; f.
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Diarrhoea, dysentery Sió útsihtádl cymð manegum of tó miclum útgange, Lchdm. ii. 278, 7. Wið útsihtádle, 320, 11


ýþ-mere, es; m.
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The billowy main Hwonne up cyme æþelast tungla ofer ýðmere éstan líxan, Exon. Th. 204, 7; Ph. 94


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to gnash, chatter (of teeth) Þá téþ for miclum cyle gryrrað nimis siridentes frigore denies, Dóm. L. 195


Mirce, Mierce, Myrce; pl.

The MerciansMercia

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Of Engle cóman EástEngle and Middel-Engle and Myrce ( Merci ) and eall Norþhembra cynn, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 25. Miercna cyning, land, ríce, Chr. 853; Erl. 68, 7: 877; Erl. 78, 26: 794; Erl. 58, 7. Mircena cining, 704; Er1. 43, 30.

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út-lah, adj.
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S. 30; Th. i. 394, 24. of a person in respect to a country not his own Hí ǽfre ǽlcne Deniscne cyng útlah of Englalande gecwǽdon, Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 33.

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omne Ne dyde he áhwǽr swá eldran cynne non fēcit tālĭter omni nātiōni, Ps. Th. 147, 9


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Þǽr is mid Eástum án mǽgð þæt hí magon cyle gewyrcan, Ors. 1, 1; S. 21, 13. Add


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-beorh, -cymb, -del, -hyrst, -wal, C. D. vi. 345


fyrs-sceaga, (?), an; m.
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Onbútan færsscagan on ðá díc ðæt hit cymð tó ðǽre ródæ, C. D. iii. 229, 29