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uferian, p. ode.

to elevatemake higherto make laterto delay

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Similar entries v. ufera, II Mín hláfurd uferaþ hys cyme moram facit dominos meus venire, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 48: Lk. Skt. 12, 45

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ceir, (cér, cír ?)
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Ceir mín tó dé cyme. Of grundum ic geceigde clamor meus ad te veniat. De profundis clamavi, 183, 10-15: 170, 27: 171, 21: 174, 23. Cf. cígan (ceigan)


gnirran, to snarl, gnash or
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chatter (with the teeth) Hwýlon þá téð for mycclum cyle manna þǽr gnyrrað (gryrrað, Dóm. L. 195) nunc nimio stridentes frigore dentes, Wlfst. 138, 29.

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To press, apply oneself to; incumbere Ongan Dryhtnes ǽ georne cýðan, and hine sylfne getengde in Godes þeówdóm, æscróf unsláw, El. 200


égh-þyrl, es; n.

An eye hole, a window fenestra

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An eye hole, a window; fenestra Ðæs leóhtes scíma þurh ða cýnan ðære dúra and þurh ða éghþyrla ineóde the glare of the light entered through the chinks of the door and through the windows, Bd. 4, 7; S. 575, 20


fastitocalon, [ = άσπιδoχελώνη : Dietrich άστν τò καλóν]

A large whale

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A large whale; bālæna = φα~λαινα Ic wille cýðan bí ðam miclan hwale, ðam is noma cenned fastitocalon I will make known concerning the great whale, to which the name Fastitocalon is given, Exon. 96 b; Th. 360, 18; Wal. 7


word-latu, e; f.

Delay in speaking

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Delay in speaking 'Ðú scealt hræðe cýðan, gif ðú his ondgitan ǽnige hæbbe.' Næs ðá wordlatu (there was no delay in the answer), Andr. Kmbl. 3042; An. 1524. (Cf. búton late sine mora, R. Ben. 55, 12, omitted under latu.)

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flot-smere, flot-smeoru, wes; n.
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Floating fat, fat or grease floating in a vessel in which meat is cooked Gýme hé ǽgðer ge ðæs sélran ge þæs sǽmran, ꝥ náðor ne misfare . . . ne flǽsc ne flotsmeru, ne cyse ne cyslyb, Angl. ix. 260, 13. Substitute:


manna, manna.
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Hét hé hider rignan mannum tó móse manna cynne, Ps. Th. 77, 25


ge-fér-scipe, -scype, es; m.


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Society, fellowship, brotherhood; sŏciĕtas, cŏmĭtātus, clērus To healfum fó se cyng, to healfum se geférscipe let the king take half, half the fellowship, L. Ath. v. § 1, 1; Th. i. 228, 18.


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Se cyng ofslóh heora swá feala swá he offaran mihte, 1016; Erl. 157, 8. Ic tó fare adeo, ic eom offaren adeor, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 1


swimman, p. swamm, pl. swummon ; pp. swummen
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Teón ða wæteru forð swimmende cynn, Gen. 1, 20. of a vessel moving on water Secga geseldan swimmaþ on weg, Exon. Th. 289, 25; Wand. 53. Hine ( a vehicle) oxa ne teáh, ne [hé] on flóde swom, 404, 28 ; Rä. 23, 14. Se swymmenda arc (Noah's ark ).

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God cymð ungesewenlice tó geswǽsre heortan þe gehýrsum bið his hǽsum (cf. Lufa ðínne Drihten . . .


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</b> with abstract nouns of condition, fulwiht-, geoguþ-, mǽgb-hád. of action, camp-, níd-had. with adjs. cyne-hád, untrum-hád, wǽpned-hád


ge-brot, es; n. [ge-, brot a fragment]

A fragmentfragmentum

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Man nam ða gebrotu ðe ðár belifon, twelf cýpan fulle sublātum est quod superfuit illis, fragmentōrum cophĭi duodĕcim, Lk. Bos. 9, 17

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(adj.; adv.)
efen-sáre, adv.
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Equally bitterly Hié ne magon ealneg ealle on áne tíd emnsáre hreówan, ac hwílum án, hwílum óðru cymð sárlíce tó gemynde neque uno eodemque tempore aeque mens de omnibus dolet; sed nunc hujus, nunc illius culpae memoria acrius tangitur, Past. 413, 29


land-leód, es; pl. e, an [cf. Seaxe, Seaxan]; m.
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Hé betealde hine wið Eádward cyng his hláford and wið ealle landleódan he cleared himself to his lord king Edward and to all the people, Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 20

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westan, adv.
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Se cyng hæfde funden ðæt him mon sæt wið on súþhealfe Sæfernmúþan westan from Wealum eást óþ Afene múþan, Chr. 918 ; Erl. 104, 4

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MSS.) cýð, Past. 157, 21. Gif hé áuðer ðissa forlǽt, 87, 14. Gif hé ðǽra þénunga áþere déð, Wlfst. 34, 7. Sé ðe áðor forlǽt, Hml. S. 25, 68. <b>I a.

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for-specan, for-sprecan; p. -sp[r]æc, pl. -sp[r]ǽcon; pp. -sp[r]ecen.
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Th. i. 238, 15. to lose that which is the subject of a suit Cnut cyng lét ðæt land intó Crístes cyrcean ... tó ðám forewearde ðæt Eádsige hit hæbbe his lífes tíman ... and hé hit ne mæg náðer gifan ne syllan, ne forspecan ne forspillan ( lose it by a