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þý-dǽges, adv.

On that daythen

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On that day, then Gif ðǽr byð án ofer ða seofon, ðonne tácnaþ ðæt ðæt se mónð gǽð on Sunnandæg on túne; gif ðǽr beóð ofer ða seofon twá oððe þreó, feówer oððe fífe oððe syxe, wite ðú tó sóðe ðæt ðýdæges cymð sé mónð tó manuum, Anglia viii. 304, 13: 310


ge-liþewácian, p. ode.
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Geliðewáca þisne unlíðan cyle, Hml. S. ll, 192. See next word

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sceamian, p. ode.
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Hit is cyn ðæt wé úre scomigen, 52, 4; Swt. 407, 15. Sceamian heora ealle míne fýnd erubescant omnes inimici mei, Ps. Th. 6, 8. Scamien, 69, 3. Scamien ( confundantur ) heora ealle ða unrihtwísan, 24, 3. Heora æfstu ealle sceamien, 69, 4.


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Cf. mid áþe cýðan, gecýðan), ðæt hý siððan áþwyrðe nǽron, L. Ed. 3; Th. i. 160, 20


spíca, an; m.
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Ðeós smerenes wæs geworht of ehtaténe cynna wyrtum; ðǽr wǽron þreó ða betstan — ele, & nardus, & spíca ( or is this merely the Latin word? ), Blickl. Homl. 73, 21.


weall, es; n. (?) Boiled or mulled wine
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Coerin defrutum, cyren oððe áwylled wín dulcisapa, ii. 25, 10, 69. Ásodenes wínes careni, Hpt. Gl. 408, 42), Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 24. Níwes ł ge*-*sodenes wealles defruti ł medoni, Hpt. Gl. 414, 1. Wealle defruto, vino, 520, 38


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Þonne cymð óðer ðing þe mé þincð rih[t]licre and rǽdlicre, Solil. H. 33, 3


rudu, e; f.
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Ðá geseah se cyngc ðæt Apollonius mid rósan rude wæs eal oferbrǽded, Ap. Th. 22, 4. Gezabel gehiwode hire eágan and hire neb mid rude, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 342


ed-niwan, l. -níwan,
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Ðæs landes bóc ðe Eádréd cyngc ednýwon gebócade, C. D. iii. 428, 2. v. edníwe; adv


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Hé forðteáh þá fíftig mancsas, and þám abbode sealde and cwæð, 'Nim þis feoh, and gif ic hér þurhwunige se ofereáca hider cymð,' Hml. S. 33, 145-155. Syllað ðone ofereácan eów ( the rich ) tó ælmesdǽdum, Hml. Th. ii. 328, 3


scorian, p. ode
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To refuse, reject an offer, repudiate Ða ðe ne gelýfab þurh ágenne cyre hí scoriaþ ná þurh gewyrd those who do not believe refuse by their own choice, not by fate, Homl. Th. i. 114, 12.

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ancor-setla, an; m.
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An anchorite, a hermit Hé him cytan árǽrde on sumere dígelnesse, swylce hé ancersetla eáðe beón mihte, Hml. S. 31, 1070. Ancersetlena drohtnung, Hml. Th. i. 544, 26: 546, 1. [The two following are doubtful Ancersetlan anachoreseos, Hpt.


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Þonne se geohsa of þǽre ídlan wambe cymð, ne bét þone se fnora, Lch. ii. 60, 27-62, l. Sé ðe gelýfð wiglungum oððe be fugelum oððe be fnorum. Hml. S. 17, 89. Add


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Hý hit ne magon eall gebúgian, sum for hǽto, sum for cyle, Bt. 18, 1; F. 62, 10. Ǽlc wiht mæg bet wyð cyle þonne wið hǽte ( omnia animantia patientius ad summum frigoris quam ad summum caloris accedant ), Ors. 1,1; S. 24, 30.


þanc-full, þanc-full; adj.
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Wé hálsiaþ, God, ðæt þeów ðín cync úre ... tó ðé ... þancfull mæge becuman quaesumus, Deus, ut famulus tuus rex nosier ... ad te ... gratiosus ualeat pervenire, Anglia xiii. 381, 228.


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Sende Ælfréd cyng sciphere of Cænt on Eást-Engle, 885; P. 79, 18. Eást-Englan, 1017; P. 154, 4


ge-manigfildan, ge-manigfealdan; p. de.
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Þú woldest his cynn gemenigfealdan swá steorran beóð on heofenum multiplicabo semen tuum sicut stellas coeli, Ex. 32, 13.



on highgreatlyextremelynoblyelaborately

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Hit nis gít se tíma ꝥ ic þé heálícor mæge onbryrdan firmioribus remediis nondum tempus est, Bt. 5, 3; F. 14, 14. with elevated voice: Seraphines cynn unáþreótendum þrymmum singað ful heálíce (or under IV.

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ge-bæc, es; n. [bacan to bake]

Anything bakedquod est tostum

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Anything baked; quod est tostum Ic geseah swefen, ðæt ic hæfde þrí windlas mid meluwe ofer mín heáfod, and on ðam ufemystan windle wǽre manegra cynna gebæc ego vīdi somnium, quod trio canistra fārīnæ habērem sŭper căput meum, et in ŭno canistro, quod

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regol, es; m.
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Ðæt forme muneca cyn is mynster-monna, ðæt is ðara ðe under regule and abbodes tǽcinge wuniaþ, R. Ben. 9, 4. On ǽlcum þingum hié sceolon habban ðone regol tó láreówe, 15, 20. Benedictus nam ðone hálgan regol ðe hé mid his handum áwrát, Homl.

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