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unfriþ-scip, es; n.

a ship which is carrying on hostilitiesa ship belonging to a hostile country

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a ship which is carrying on hostilities Ðam cynge com word ðæt unnfriðscipa lǽgen be westan and hergodon, Chr. 1046; Erl. 173, 5. a ship belonging to a hostile country Ǽlc ceápscip frið hæbbe ðe binnan múðan cuman(-e?)


un-sidu, a; m.

A bad habitvicious custommal-practice

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A bad habit, vicious custom, mal-practice Sóð is ðæt ic secge, árǽre man unlaga on lande oððe unsida lufige tó swíðe, ðæt cymð ðære þeóde tó unþearfe, L. I. P. 4; Th. ii. 308, 8.


un-gemyndig, adj.


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Ne byð ǽfre God ungemyndig ðæt hé miltsige manna cynne numquid obliviscetur misereri Deus? Ps. Th. 76, 8. Swá hwá swá ungemyndig ( immemor ) sié rihtwísnesse, Bt. 35, 1; Fox 156, 10: Met. 22, 55. Hé wæs ungemyndig ðæs hálgan gewrites, Homl.


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Lindeylene (-cylne, -colene, v. ll. ) ceastre geréfan praefectum Lindocolinae ciuilatis, Bd. 2, 16; Sch. 177, 20. On Lindeylene, 2, 18 ; Sch. 181, 19. Tó Lindcylne (-cylene, -colne, v. ll.) Lindocolino, Sch. 182, 6.


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Him cwóm tó monigra cynna wilddeór, Shrn. 72, 5. Þá wearð hé gefyrht mid ege þæs unmǽtan wildeóres . . . Hé tó þám león cwæð: 'Eálá þú mǽste wildeór, ' Hml. S. 23 b, 773-780.


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R. 16, 26. pay of troops Eádwerd cing scylode .ix. scypa of mále . . . and belifon .v. scypa bæftan; and se cing heom behét .xii. mónað gyld, Chr. 1049; P. 171, 29. with idea of compul-sion, payment exacted by the State, a tax Áléde Eádweard cyng


scippan, scieppan, sceppan; p. scóp, sceóp; pp. sceapen, scepen.
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</b> to destine, adjudge a person (acc.) to anything :-- Sceóp and scyrede Scyppend úre oferhídig cyn engla of heofnum our Creator adjudged the presumptuous race of angels to banishment from heaven, Cd. Th. 5, 1; Gen. 65.


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Þurh hire beorþor sceolde beón gehǽled eall wífa cynn and wera, Bl. H. 5, 23. Þá hálgan ǽr Crístes cyme . . . wurdan mid his ǽriste gehǽlde, 81, 32. Mannes Sunu cóm tó gehǽlenne ( salvare ) ꝥ forwearð, Mt. 18, 11.


ÁÐUM, es; m.

A son-in-lawa daughter's husbanda brother-in-lawa sister's husbandgenersororisut et patrissororis maritus

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Fór to ðam cynge his áðume went to the king his sister's husband, Chr. 1091; Th. 359, 6


smireness, e; f.
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Ðeós smerenes wæs geworht of ehtaténe cynna wyrtum, Blickl. Homl. 73, 17-20. Smirinis (smerenisse. Rush. ) unguentum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 26, 12. Smirenisse unguenti, Rtl. 115, 41. Smyrenisse, Lchdm. i. 346, 9. Mið smiriniss unguento. Lk. Skt.

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Th. i. 408, 21. the fine for such breach, the revenue derived from such fines Ic cýðe eów ꝥ ic hæbbe geunnen him ꝥ hé beó his saca and sócne wyrðe and griðbryces, Cht. E. 233, 3. Ic habbe gegeofen ... saca and sócna, ... griðbryce and scipbryce, C.


cwicu, cwico, cucu = cue; nom. acc. m. f. n; pl. nom. acc. m. f. n. cwicu, cwico, cucu; adj.

Alive, quick vivus

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Teón ða wæteru forþ swimmende cynn cucu on lífe producant aquæ reptile animæ viventis, Gen. 1, 20: Ex. 22,4. Hí cwico nǽron they were not alive, Exon. 24b; Th. 69, 36; Cri. 1131. Cwicu quick [living], pl. nom. n. Ps. Th. 108, 24.


ge-cweðan, he -cweðeþ, -cwyþ; p. ic, he -cwæþ, ðú -cwǽde, pl. -cwǽdon; pp. -cweden

To sayspeakcallpronounceagreeresolveorderdīcĕrelŏquiprofāripronunciārepangĕrestătuĕre

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Hí ǽfre ǽlcne Deniscne cyng útlah of Engla lande gecwǽdon they pronounced every Danish king an outlaw from England for ever, Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 34.


muud-bora, an; m.

one who can give protection (mund)protectorpatronguardianadvocatea guardian

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Sceal him (an ecclesiastic or a foreigner who was wronged) cyng beón oððon eorl and bisceop for mǽg and for mundboran, L. E. G. 12; Th. i. 174, 8: L. Eth. ix. 33: Th. i. 348, 6: L. C.


þreátung, e; f.


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gt; correction : -- Tó ðam yflum cymþ réþu wyrd tó edleáne his yfla oððe tó þreátunge and tó láre ðæt hé eft swá ne dó fortuna aspera puniendi corrigendive improbos causa deferatur, Bt. 40, 1; Fox 236, 8. threatening On ðam geáre gegaderade Eádward cyng


weorþ-full, adj.
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Se cyng Willelm wæs swíðe wís man and swíðe ríce, and wurðfulre and strengere ðonne ǽnig his foregengra wǽre . . .


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Sume menn . . . ðonne seó hǽte cymð, ðæt is seó costung, ðonne ábreóðað hí ( these in time of temptation fall away, Lk. 8, 13), ii. 90, 34. Ðæt teóðe werod ábreáð and áwende on yfel, i. 10, 18.

Linked entries: a-broten á-broþenness


leáf-full, adj.


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Ic cýðe on ðissan gewrte eallum leáffullum mannum hwet ic gerédd habbe wið míne arcebiscópes, Chart. Th. 347, 26.


wil, will, es; n.
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will, pleasure Se cyng geseah ðæt hé nán þincg his willes ðǽr geforðian ne mihte the king saw that he could carry out nothing of his purpose Chr. 1097; Erl. 234, 6. Hé nolde his willes ( of his own accord ) heora geférrǽdene forlǽtan, Homl.


gærsum, es; m. n.
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Se cyng dǽlde þá gersuman for his fæder sáule, 1086; P. 222, 14-20. Hé hæfð geinnod ꝥ ǽr wæs geútod þurh Godes fultum ... and þurh his gærsuma, Cht.