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Wynn geond wuldres þrym, Cri. 71. Cóm micel hǽte giend Rómáne, Ors. 2, 6; S. 88, 15. distribution to or diffusion through many places Hé þæt wín tódǽlde geond ealle þá kyfa and geond ealle þá fatu, Gr. D. 58, 22-24.


wunian, p. ode

To dwellremainto dwellabidestayremainliveto inhabit a place, live in or onto live, be in certain conditions or circumstances,to abidebe present with a person to comfort or helpto berestresideremainoccupy a positionto consist of or in,subsist, existto remainlastcontinueendureto be wont

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Wé wunodon on wynnum, Cd. Th. 279, 12; Sat. 237. Hí wunedon ætsomne, Met. 20, 243. Wunian on écean wuldre, Blickl. Homl. 105, 1. In wynnum wunian, Cd. Th. 299, 26; Sat. 556: Exon. Th. 140, 2; Gú. 604. Wunian in wylme, Salm. Kmbl. 933; Sal, 466.

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D. iii. 117, 25 (in Dict. ) the active pleasures or pursuits of the world Ǽghwylc ælda bearna forliéte ídle lustas, lǽne lífes wynne, Sch. 100. phrases with prepositions, on lífe alive Nis ǽni man on lífe þe ǽfre gehýrde . . . Ll.


IN, prep. cum dat. inst. acc.


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Wuniaþ in wynnum they dwell in delights, 224 ; Th. 296, 26 ; Sat. 508. Þafaþ in geþylde allows in patience, Exon.79 a; Th. 297, 20; Crä. 71. Ic on unrihtum eác ðan in synnum geeácnod wæs I was conceived in iniquity and in sin, Ps. C. 50, 60; Ps.

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(a α) where the destination is given by a clause :-- Hé eóde þæt hé for eaxlum gestód Denigea freán, B. 358. where the place mentioned is intended to include what is done there Gá nú tó setle ( go and feast ), symbel-wynne dreóh, B. 1782. where the purpose


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Þú lǽtst mé hider and ðider on swá þicne wudu, Bt. 35, 5 ; F. 164, 13. ' Ic c Hí lǽdað mid wynnum æðelne tó earde, Ph. 345. God self hine lǽdde ðurh ðæt wésten, Past. 304, 7.


weorold, (-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), world, e; f. (but se woruld, Prov. Kmbl. 40: worldes, Lk. Skt. l, 70: ðissum worulde, Met. 10, 70)
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Kmbl. 607; El. 304. earthly things, temporal possessions Ne won hé æfter worulde, ac hé in wuldre áhóf módes wynne, Exon. Th. 126, 12. ; Gú. 370: 109, 34; Gú. 100. Lamech woruld bryttade, Cd. Th. 74, 22; Gen. 1226.


healdan, haldan; p. heóld; pp. healden.
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Ðǽr heó ǽr mǽste heóld worolde wynne in whom before she had had her chief joy in this life, Beo. Th. 2163; B. 1078: 6079 ; B. 3043. Úre ieldran ða ðe ðás stówa ǽr hióldon our forefathers who occupied these places before, Past. pref; Swt. 5, 14: Beo.


wesan, p. wæs, pl. wǽron
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Wesan him on wynne, Cd. Th. 23, 29 ; Gen. 367.


weorþ, worþ, wurþ, wirþ, wyrþ, wirþe, wierþe, wyrþe, weorþe; adj.
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Habban ða mid wynne weórðe blisse ða ðe sécean Drihten exultent et laetentur qui quaerunt te, 69, 5. Ða ðe gelaðodewǽron ne synt wyrðe ( digni ), Mt. Kmbl. 22, 8.


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Hé genóm him tó wildeórum wynne, Gú. 713. Genam Saul micelne níð tó Dauide, Hml. Th. ii. 64, 16. Hié him æfest tó genáman, Bl. H. 7, 11. Genáman him æfest tó þá ealdormen, 177, 20. Wé ne sceolon geniman náne lustfullunge tó ðǽre tihtinge, Hml.


þegen, þegn, þeng, þén, es; m.
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John ) wæs on wynne, Exon. Th. 462, 21; Hö. 55. Þances gleáw þegn. ( St. Andrew ), Andr. Kmbl. 1114; An. 557. Ðám þegne ( Adam ) ongan his hige hweorfan, Cd. Th. 44, 7; Gen. 705.


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Neoman wé ús tó wynne weroda Drihten, Sat. 198. Ꝥ hí hine niman be his fullan were on borh, Ll. Th. i. 242, 2: 162, 16.


willa, an; m.
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Ðeáh ðe hé léte wæter on willan, wynnum flówan, 77, 21. Ne weóx hé him tó willan, ac tó wælfylle and tó deáðcwalum, Beo. Th. 3426; B. 1711. Tó willan and to worðmyndum to please and honour him 2376; B. 1156.

tó, prep. adv.
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Næs him tó éðle wynn, Andr. Kmbl. 2326; An. 1164. Ne biþ him tó hear-pan hyge, ne tó wífe wyn, ne tó worulde hyht, Exon. Th. 308, 23-26; Scef. 44, 45. Abraham tó Gode cýððe hæfde. Homl. Th. ii. 190, 12 : 558, l: i. ID, 3.

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